Close Contact: Protecting Stoma and Wafer

Dec 10, 2019 12:36 am

Me, a trooper? How about you? I think you are fantastic to take so much time to do this! Thank you again. I am trying a new barrier. It is about 4 inches square and you cut a hole in it the size of your stoma. It goes on first with the bag on top. So far, so good but I will let you know.

I didn't find your last post for a while and a friend of mine said you probably decided I was a college student jerking your chain. Glad that isn't the case!

I hope the latest barrier works. Reusing bags isn't really an option. I have contacted Coloplast about this but the end of the bag, the entire flange assembly has come off entirely....the whole thing. I am left with just the bag itself. If I would choose to reuse it, probably could, just too finicky. Join me in hoping the new Hollister barrier works!

Since you do listen AND because I think everyone else has gone away I have also had Thyroid Cancer, multiple breast biopsies, and a complete hysterectomy. I am ok, though. Still have my tonsils!