New Ostomate Seeking Support and Advice - Introducing Myself


Greetings all...

As a new member to this site, I have to say I've been really impressed with all the helpful information, suggestions, and encouragement provided by so many of you in this community!
Participating on this site will be a rather different experience for me in that I have never gotten involved in the social media scene, the Facebooks, Twitters, etc. - should be interesting, I am sure.

A bit about myself...
I am a cancer survivor, or so my oncologist tells me - having completed the full regimen of radiation, chemo-X2, and lastly surgery, all my tests, scans, etc. since have come back with the "All-clear" - yahoo!
The rearrangement and reduction of my body's lower parts (i.e. getting my colostomy, LOL), took place coming up to a year ago. And so for about the last 9 months, I have been learning to adjust to having this bag-thing attached to the front of me. Such fun!

In spite of knowing about support groups, like this one, available to make this 'adjustment' phase easier for new ostomates - I just didn't "get around to it" for some reason. Just plain stupid, I guess! You see, I must be one of those fools that seems to think that he has to figure everything out on his own. Oh well, better late than never - at least that's what I'm going with!

Going forward, I will try to reach out to you people with my questions, concerns, successes, and perhaps some random thoughts of my own on all things STOMA.


I am going to get to some specific things now and put out a follow-up post or two. Maybe some of you can relate/help me out... Thx.



Welcome aboard Rob! It's never too late... to be an ostomate! And no Bill... you can't steal that one!



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Why Join MeetAnOstoMate?

First off, this is a pretty cool site with 33,533 members. Get inside and you will see.

It's not all about ostomy. Everything is being discussed.

Many come here for advice or to give advice 🗣, others have found good friends 🤗, and there are also those who have found love 💓. Most of all, people are honest and truly care.

Privacy is very important - the website has many features that are only visible to members.

Create an account and you will be amazed.


Welcome aboard and there is a lot of knowledge on this site. Best wishes and stay safe


Hello Rob. 

May I add my own welcome to you onto this site.

I often contribute in rhyme - but this time it seems I've been robbed by Bob to fulfil my thirst to to be first. 

I look forward to reading your contributions and hope that I can respond appropriately.

Best wishes



Welcome Rob,

Welcome, and so glad you found us! Even as we become pros at living with an ostomy, we all need help on occasion. Our ostomy life evolves. Just when we think we have it down pat, it will throw us for a loop!
As you can see, there is a lot of camaraderie here and we welcome your posts to add to the fun!

Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Welcome to the group. I have learned a lot on here.


Hey, thanks to all of you for your warm and welcoming comments!

I am already inspired to try to learn more here and make this thing we all have to live with as manageable as possible. I expect to add lots more comments later today, hopefully, in response to your already helpful suggestions on my other specific post(s), I just have to focus on a lot of outdoor chores today. We have had quite a bit of fairly cool and damp weather lately and I want to try to make up for lost time. (...A big ol' country property seems to need SOOO much extra attention this time of year)!

Cheers for now, Rob