Struggling with Ostomy Skin Issues - Need Advice


I had something similar my first year.. nothing that anyone told me about worked. I got myself some of the foot spray for athlete's foot.... And I started spraying that on a gauge and would pay around my stoma... I'll be damned! It cleared up! I was consistent. The powder never did anything but make a mess! So now what I do is plan my showers first thing in the morning before drinking or eating.... I take pouch off in the shower and clean her... when I'm done I make sure to give her air for about an hour.... At least twice a week..... my Minnie me is now spotless and beautifully clean and clear! My only go-to will now be that foot spray.... My doctor even took note of that and was amazing at how good my stoma area looks!

I find less is more it did nothing for me! So good luck and keep at it!