Colostomy Mucus Amount?


Can someone please tell me how much mucus build up there is from a colostomy, end colostomy? I have an ileostomy and can't manage with the amount and size with my current issues.

I am after how frequent you have to go and pass a mucus plug, the firm hard ones.

Is it once a day, once a week, or once a month?

Thank you.


I am very familiar with mucus discharge. I had an ileostomy, but my colon was not removed. I had severe mucus discharge and could not go out in public. The majority of people don't understand. I also had a 6" prolapsed stoma. I just had a permanent colostomy. I can eat anything now, except my stoma is beginning to prolapse. I have no mucus problems now. It's so much better. If you have any questions, let me know.

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Hi Rosherau!

I have a 2014 colostomy. About once a month, I could bring a book into the bathroom, have a good read while expelling my "poo." Just like the old days! But it was just a hard mucus blob.

Recently, I have frequent slime issues. Ugh.


I used to get very hard and waxy mucus in my stump and couldn't expel it on my own. I had a very large parastomal hernia which prevented me from pushing like when you do a poo.

I had to give myself weekly enemas to clear it out or it felt like I was sitting on a stick and caused a lot of pain. After putting up with this for seven years, my surgeon performed a proctectomy in June last year. I now have a "Barbie Bum" and no more rectum. This has now led to its own set of problems...

Good luck.