Ostomy Memories of Humor


MY BODY IS RULED BY the force of gravity, but my soul – the essential, private me – is subject to the inevitable dictate of levity. My sense of humor is a detour around the bad stuff, the sad stuff, and the mad stuff. Sanity amidst chaos has a bedrock foundation and that is a recognition – hard won, to be sure – that it is all kind of absurd, after all. A recent president of a lawyers’ Bar Association was quoted objecting to jokes about lawyers. He found it demeaning to the profession which he was trying to promote as civic-minded. I’m guessing he is one of many lawyers who never set foot in a real courtroom, where he would see his licensed brethren are hard at work every day blowing smoke, suppressing facts, and otherwise pulling the proverbial wool over credulous eyes. Humor, someone should tell him, is most funny when it is based upon real life, and lawyer jokes certainly prove that proposition.
CODA: What’s the difference between a good lawyer and a bad lawyer? A: A bad lawyer makes your case drag on for years. A good lawyer can make it last even longer.

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