How to Keep Stoma Scissors Sharp: Tips from a Nurse

Dec 22, 2024 6:57 pm
Reply to Justbreathe

My pleasure!! Great reply.

There's an online stream going on here about weird british words, like ruthless, but no-one ever has ruth. Or overwhelmed and underwhelmed, no-one has ever been described as whelmed. What are the desired levels for "whelm?" You'll no doubt know of others. 

Jan 27, 2025 7:27 pm

I've had a stoma since 2001 due to Chrons, and had a stricture removed along with my rectum last year. Over all the years I had a stoma, all I have used to size the flange has been an exacto knife. It cuts a very clean precise hole in the flange. When I tried using scissors I got a ragged messy cut, so the little knife has worked out to be the better way for me.

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Jan 27, 2025 8:46 pm
Reply to Bufford

That may work on a 2 piece setup but it would be tough with a 1 piece bag.