Quick and Clean Method to Empty a Drainable Pouch

Jan 27, 2025 8:49 pm
Reply to Bufford

Well, we here in MT just got indoor plumbing so, so luxurious! 😁

Gracie Bella
Jan 29, 2025 1:10 am
Reply to warrior

My husband just explained to me that New Zealand toilets are different from toilets in the States! How was I supposed to know that?? He looked at me and said, "Seriously? You didn't notice how my toilet in Holland was different also?" - yes, I did, but I had forgotten all about it.....

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Gracie Bella
Jan 29, 2025 1:14 am

My ileostomy output is very watery. I just sit all the way back on our New Zealand toilet... and I make sure to have toilet paper lying on the water, so I get no splashback - and I try to pour it into the center of the toilet.
I too wash my bag out with water in a similar way, as even though I have watery output, I like it to be clean. My husband calls it OCD...
We often argue over the fact that my output stinks... I have told John many times that his BMs do not smell like roses either!

Jan 29, 2025 5:25 am

I also discovered this method completely on my own out of being unable to deal with a full pouch. I carry a very small water bottle with me at all times and it saves me! I'm ten months in -