Affording Ileostomy Supplies Without Insurance Coverage

Jan 27, 2025 2:54 am
Reply to warrior

When I was working, I ordered max supplies, and paid extra, every time for a year and a half.  Saved all the excess stuff for a stormy day.  I figured once I was on Medicare, ostomy supply amounts would be limited.  

Jan 27, 2025 1:48 pm

There are several things I have to buy out of pocket because either Byrum doesn't carry it anymore or because my insurance doesn't pay for it anymore. It is hard to afford these things because I am on a fixed income. But I try to stretch my money to afford them and I try to buy different supplies in different months. And then I buy a lot of that supply. So I have some left over until the next time I am buying them again. I sometimes have to do without things that I want or wish I could buy. It is difficult too because my insurance recently cut me down to 10 wafers a month. Which leaves me no spares if I have a leak. So I have had to learn to stretch my wear time on my wafers. So I wear them for a week now instead of 3 days. It is a real drag because I am always waiting for a leak to happen. I need to have spare wafers left over for my travel bag that I take places with me incase I have a leak out in public and I need spares incase I have a leak at home. But I don't get spares anymore. And that is a huge issue. As it is $50 to buy a box of 5 wafers out of pocket. And I can't do that. So I am working on wearing my wafers for a week so that I have some back up wafers. Eventually I should have enough back up ones to put some in my travel bag. The ones in there now the hole cut in the wafer is too big. So I need to change them out for smaller cut wafers. It is a real drag that insurance doesn't understand our needs. Or even ostomies in general. 

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Jan 27, 2025 4:41 pm

Have you tried having your doctor write a Rx for more pouches 🤔

Jan 27, 2025 7:18 pm

Anyone besides me see a post this morning from a woman in Rochester, NY?

She claimed she had a large supply of ostomy products willing to donate. She left her phone number. I can't remember her handle. I did reply saying I was interested and would pay for postage. I was running out the door when I replied.

She's gone. No trace of her.

I think her listing her phone number got her kicked.

She had a lot of supplies to offer, she said.

I missed the opportunity. Damn it.

Anyone catch it about 6:30 this morning? Let me know. Thanks.

Jan 27, 2025 8:22 pm
Reply to IGGIE

Where/how do I get free supplies in Canada?


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Feb 01, 2025 6:14 pm
Reply to Gracie Bella

Same here In UK all my supplies are free I get 90 bags / dry wipes/ and black bags for disposal per month free delivery 🚚

Feb 01, 2025 8:52 pm
Reply to warrior

I'm on Medicare and a supplemental plan. I don't pay for any deductible other than the annual Medicare deductible approximately $200 for the year and that's the only cost I have. All of my ostomy supplies are covered at no additional cost under "durable medical supplies".

You might even contact your local hospitals or wound nurse to see if they have any supplies that have been donated that they will give you for free. You might also be able to find an ostomy group in your local community that also might be able to provide some free supplies.

Feb 01, 2025 9:44 pm
Reply to SusanT

We’ll be lucky if we get to keep our Medicare, now that he’s in office!

Feb 01, 2025 10:17 pm
Reply to vanestag

Ain't that the truth.

Gracie Bella
Feb 02, 2025 12:27 am
Reply to warrior

Since I don't have to pay for my stoma supplies as my hospital pays for them, and I was changed from Convatec Convex wafers and high output bags (two system) which I still have plenty of, I'd be very willing to donate them rather than throw them away, as long as the person who'd like them pays for the postage.

The wafers are:

ConvaTec SUR-FIT Plus Durahesive Convex REF 125032
32 / 45mm pre-cut hole

The high output bags are:

ConvaTec Natura 45mm REF 404137
High Output Drainage Pouches

If anyone is using any of these and would like them, they are welcome to contact me (privately I could give them my contact email)

Although I do not know if it would be worth it for me to send them from New Zealand - still, donating them (as long as I don't have to pay for the postage) I'd feel better if I didn't have to just throw them away. As I will not be going back to this product.

Feb 02, 2025 1:23 am
Reply to stickfloatdave

That is a lot of bags per month!

Feb 02, 2025 1:36 am
Reply to Hugo

I only receive 20 a month too, so I buy extra bags from Bryman: $30.00 for 10 bags. Not my usual bags, cheaper, but they do the job.

Feb 02, 2025 2:00 am
Reply to Maried

I go through about 75 closed end bags per month and I only get 60 from insurance.  So I'd be delighted to get 90 per month. 

Feb 02, 2025 2:31 am

There's no shame in using more closed pouches than those not.

Some of us have colostomies and some have ileostomies. IMHO, ileostomies are more prone to wear and tear due to their fluidity.

Those who are using 2-piece systems will go through more than those with 1-piece. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Feb 02, 2025 3:03 am
Reply to Worzie

Yes, it would matter greatly who the wearer is.

Ileo here, two-piece drainable system, I only understand the wear and tear on myself. I call it stoma abuse! 😆 Sleepless nights...

And tiredness in the mornings after "going" 2-4 times a night.

The bag and appliance are wearing perfectly for 7 - 8 days, which is unheard of for an ileo.

It wasn't always like this, but after 7 or 8 years, you find better systems, eating habits. And right now, I can honestly say it's almost utopia. Don't even think about this shit bag anymore.

Cera rings, Mio Click C strip extenders. It's my role.

Just gotta curb those nocturnal runs, and working on that with Imodium now.

It's a process. Must have patience, an open mind to experiment, and a few laughs along the way with peeps who get it. Dig?

Feb 02, 2025 8:40 am
Reply to bobwilson5999

I was told a few months ago that Canada was the same as the UK, Australia, and a few other places, that they were free. If that's not correct, then start the ball rolling and try to get them free. Regards, IGGIE

Feb 02, 2025 2:31 pm
Reply to Barbie400

Like A traveler my husband only has a 20% co-pay. However, we have a Medicare advantage plan with BCBS. We get his supplies from 180 Medical.

Feb 02, 2025 3:34 pm
Reply to warrior

I had a reversal and have a stock of supplies. I'm in Oklahoma City. How do I find a local place that will take and distribute them? I would think shipping costs make it difficult to ship.

Feb 02, 2025 5:37 pm

My first order in 2025 covered the entire deductible.

It's annoying, but it's done.


Feb 02, 2025 6:12 pm
Reply to msmacs50

Lol, my second order combined with a CT, home health nurse, IVs, and 2 doctor visits has me hitting my annual maximum out of pocket. No more copays until Jan 1. 

I'm expensive! 🤣🤣🤣

Feb 02, 2025 7:28 pm
Reply to debdog78

Hi, welcome to the site. First post, huh? Cool.


Well, you can do a variety of things with your stock that you don't need.

1- List it here. See if there are members interested and have and use your products.

2- A local hospital may accept them as a donation.

3- A lovely woman named Kas or I will take them if you provide shipping costs; I will reimburse you.

This way you know for sure a member in need will get them.

4- Do not throw them away, please.

5- Let me think🤔

Whatever you feel comfortable doing. Let me know. Thanks.

Feb 02, 2025 11:07 pm
Reply to infinitycastle52777

I use Byram as well. My insurance covers 20 colostomy and 20 urostomy bags a month. I buy gloves, bags, tape (retention), duo derm (hydrocolloid acne patches), tegaderm (tattoo aftercare bandages), water wipes, disinfectant wipes and dry wipes out of pocket. I get it all on Amazon. I buy bulk. For instance, 1000 gloves, 800 water wipes, 900 dry wipes, 500 bags, and things like that. None of them are over $30. I get 1 large amount of 1 thing every month. That way I have enough for several months at a time. Good luck to you and I hope things get a little easier. 

Feb 04, 2025 12:55 pm
Reply to debdog78

Don't know what's near you locally. Warrior and I collect donations that folks send to us, and then we send them to people in need of them. We pay for all the shipping postage out of our own pockets because we haven't found an alternative for that. If you're going to stick with this site, you could hold onto the supplies and see if someone has a need, and maybe they could reimburse your shipping costs. Otherwise, you could contact Warrior (or me) and donate them to our donation closets. I am not in the position to reimburse for having donations shipped to me because it already costs us to ship them to the people who need them. I can't speak for Warrior, though.

Feb 04, 2025 1:17 pm
Reply to Kas

G-Day Kas,

How can we send money to you to help with your great work?

Regards, IGGIE

Feb 04, 2025 2:40 pm
Reply to Kas

The Stomarines! Exactly what Kas said. I can reimburse you.

And usually whoever accepts the donated supplies could reimburse me. We understand financial hardships. We encounter them too. Not to worry. When and if you get the cash, send it. That's me talking.

KAS has done this much longer than I. She's my boss, aka lady angel too 👍

Iggie just mentioned a cash donation. Thanks. Why not hold that though, my friend, if we or the accepted needs it?

Very kind to offer like that. 👍

For now, it's just getting peeps the supplies desperately needed. 🤞

Feb 04, 2025 11:03 pm
Reply to IGGIE

Thank you, Iggie. Your kind offer is appreciated but not necessary at this time. You know Warrior and I aren't shy, and if we get in a pickle and need help, we'll ask.

Thank you!

Feb 04, 2025 11:07 pm
Reply to warrior

Ha!  I’m the boss of nothin’!!!

I like the name - Stomarines!