Racing Heartbeat: Seeking Answers!


One more question for all of you! I have been in and out of the hospital because I have a racing heartbeat....113 at rest ......150 when active. The doctors have done lots of tests and have no answers. They have a theory it could be a combination of pain, dehydration, and anxiety. Does anyone else have this problem? I'm not on any new medications......anyone?


Hi Tracy,

Did they check your thyroid gland? This could be a symptom of overactive thyroid. And if you are losing weight and find it hard to sleep, that's another symptom of overactive thyroid. Well, I wish you well. Happy Holidays.


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Hi Tracy, sorry you're not feeling well, it's not easy for us, is it? I had some difficulty with a racing heart and it turned out to be low potassium from having constant diarrhea. A few pills later and I am back to normal. Don't get discouraged, they will find an answer. Nikki



I had a similar situation when I was in the hospital. They would tell me my pulse was too high, they would give me meds to lower my pulse, and then my blood pressure would bottom out. It was funny to watch them freak out with low BP. Finally, one of the nurses looked at me and told me to remember that I had the right to refuse any medication that bothered me. I will have to try to up my potassium and see if that makes a difference too.

Take care,


Hi Traci.
I agree with Vineland. Get your thyroid checked out. It is responsible for so many things that go wrong, especially in women. It could be overactive or underactive. Cheers, Ngaire.

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Hello Traci,

I have been taking levothyroxine for years. Perhaps it is a thyroid problem. On the other hand, 3 years ago, a year before I became a colostomist, I was admitted to the hospital because my heart was racing. They registered it at 205. I did black out several times and had serious nightmares. However, I now take Flecainide twice a day, and sometimes my heart still races. Sometimes the top and bottom beats go out of sync, and sometimes the beats are very powerful, as if it is punching to hit 18" away. Thankfully, it doesn't happen as often as it used to.
It is interesting that your medics say it could be caused by dehydration or anxiety. My liquid intake is very low.
I do hope you will be feeling better very soon.

Take care,


My heart raced for years. I now take an iron and sublingual B12. My labs never showed I was anemic, but I feel 20 years younger. Be careful with the iron, don't overdo it, but you really can't overdose on B12. I have had an ileostomy for 30 years and found my best resources are on the internet or through sites like this. By the way, my heart rarely races anymore. Good luck.


I also have this problem periodically, the doctors say it is because of the dehydration, not much you can do except drink lots and lots of water!


I had a racing heart for years. It would scare the crap out of me, thinking I was having a heart attack. I could not do anything too strenuous. Blood work revealed I had very high triglycerides.
I've been on medication (luckily no side effects so far) that brought me down from 540 to 120.
I am much better now. I was burning calories standing still :)


I also have a racing heartbeat that becomes arrhythmia (uncoordinated sections). I now take a mild beta blocker heart medication. Also, beginning when my colostomy was created on October 3, 2016, I went from drinking 64 oz of liquid to over 100 oz per day. That helped in several ways, including making the colostomy output more regular and more consistent.

Past Member

Hello from Maine. I lived in York, back in 2000, right behind the AAA building, on Market St. I moved back to Lancaster, to be near my son. I moved to Maine in 2011, for fresh air, and to have neighbors away from me. Living in apartments and houses, with thin walls was a little too much for me. I tend to enjoy the peace and quiet. I was diagnosed with stage 3B rectal cancer, and had surgery first. I just completed chemo, and am about to begin radiation. I am scheduled for the reversal, at the end of this year. Luckily, I am a witty person, with a great sense of humor. That is what is keeping me going. The VA did not kill me, so I am much stronger, because of that. I don't enjoy having 2 poop chutes. I had to place myself in the mind of an amputee, as they have to wear appliances. I know they have bad days. I also have bad days. I just so happen to go check in with my next door neighbor, because I did not see her upon my surgical recovery. I learned she had an ostomy for years. She was embarrassed to even mention it, and I said to her to flaunt it if you got it. No need for embarrassment. I don't care who knows, and if they are grossed out by it, I say to them they should have never asked me about it. I have adjusted fairly well to Jake. I do have the occasional "explosion", and I actually have a seat belt waiver, due to my belt tightening with every bump I hit on the road. Speaking of the road, I am coming that way, in between the end of radiation and my reversal in Boston. I will be visiting my son in Columbia.