

just wandering how you were getting on i woulnt think you had power but hang there our good member
Hi Airforce1 and everyone else.....nice to come on line and see my name as a post....About to think uh oh what have I done now??...All good...Well,Im still here....and cyclone Yasi can kiss my boney butt..Didnt do the south of us any good tho,poor buggers I feel for them.Wasted a couple of places real good.
As for here in Cairns...once again the reef and mountains have protected us.The city centre and my side..bit north of city...we are fine..The people and places on the hospital line..(electricity)ME!! and them have power..Across the road has none..Most people I know from outer suburbs and beaches...no power..small damages.So go figure..Then I heard today that the ONLY CYCLONE to ever hit Cairns full frontal..was way back in 1865 or some such time...Other than that,they almost always seem to just miss us..but 20 klms away gets wasted...The whole time during the cyclone I was standing in my front doorway..wind wasnt even touching me..but if I walked 2 steps out...It was a hot wind with no rain in it(97klm winds)..very weird I thought..Then after a few hrs I knew the first half had past...the wind didnt stop completely as we werent in the eye...just on the outskirts of it..soon as the wind change directions I had to close the door..Purely to stop a few things flying around.The part we got of Yasi..was a dustbunny....I cant explain the feeling...For 2 days the hype of this monster storm coming to knock at our door....then sitting thru what we knew to be the cyclone... thinking it was a pussy wind....knowing they were going through hell where-ever it was hitting...worried for my family ..I'm a wreck..The next morning,everyone gathering outside and saying "well we done ok out of that"..As we started to get on with our day and make sure everyone else was ok...My friend packed her stuff and went home..I moved my scooter back outside...We,meaning I,should listen more often(weather station)...Anyway...seen clouds over us..but hey,we just had a cyclone..The clouds got darker and heavier..My mate drives out the driveway to go home......Others have gone too...'CRACKKK!!! BOOMMMM....Well, I havent moved that fast since...since....never...Right over the top of us...The biggest thunder storm I have seen since I was a kid was coming......LMAO....We got bigger winds and more of a cyclone thing than the real deal 5 hours earlier......My scooter alarm kept getting kickstarted...I think something got too much water in it..as my baby wont start normal..have to put it up on stand to kick start it...If ever I get a camcorder..I'll video this...ME PUTTING THE BIKE ON ITS STAND!!!! What a laugh ..Its impossible for me to do.but bloody hilarious to watch so I'm told. So in a way..even tho we didnt suffer like a lot of others did...we still suffer as all lines are down..ph..elec..Businesses arent open..You cant use an ATM..Grocery items gone up or on a 2 item per customer thing...Anyway..enough for now..Just wanted to say thanks for the worrying and the thoughts that came from all....See!!! Cant get rid of me that easy....
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