Help! Misbehaving Sphincter Troubles

Hi there friends, seeing as this is the forum fo asking silly questions, I figured I'd try this one out on you all. For the last week or so I feel the need to go to the bathroom and have a good dump, I'v tried talking to my spinchter but to no avail. I can still remember my surgeon saying "I saved his rectum and spinchter" he seemed right proud of that little fact but it was lost on me as I was so full of dope at the time I didn't give a shit. So how many out there have had this problem. My spinchter will be twitching awaiting a reply, Ed
PS. I had my surgeries in 2003 and 2005
Hey Gutenberg,

As an ileostomate with a similar condition, i.e., a sphincter and partial rectum, I get these symptoms every so often and have done so for the past 32 years. Sometimes, it is due to the buildup of mucus that must eventually be passed, but other times I just get what is best described as a spasm whereby the rectum presents the feeling of having to defecate. Sorry I can't be of more help, but I do not think it is anything serious, just an annoyance.

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Howdy again Gutenberg....

I have a small answer to your questions about the same feeling like if I don't run fast to the bathroom...there will be poop all over. I have actually gone a little bit but not much. I really don't understand what is going on but somebody better tell my arse that it is right.

I'll be heading to the hospital on the 7th for the hernia repair and then the ileostomy reversal. The surgeon says that everything looks good to him and I should only be in the hospital 7 to 10 days.

I have a lot of things to do before I go so I probably won't be on for a few weeks. I guess I get to do the big catch up with mail when I get back.

Mystified (Barbie)


Hi everyone.
I get the same feeling about twice a year, and all I passed was mucus. It lasted 2-3 days and then it stops until the next time. When this first happened, I could not understand what was happening. I thought the surgery was done wrong. I then spoke to my stoma nurse, and she explained it was normal that the mucus had built up and it needed to be expelled, so don't worry. It's strange to get that feeling of wanting to have your bowels emptied again.

Love, Angel xx

Traveling Lady
Hey Ed,
I've heard that it is perfectly normal to have sphincter urges and mucus discharge. My surgery and radiation have left my sphincter muscles rather inadequate, so I have been using pads to catch the nearly constant mucus exiting my rectum (sometimes I get the urge and manage to deposit said mucus in the toilet). I've been told by my surgeon that it may become less, but then again it might not. A colleague of mine at work has had both colorectal and prostate cancer. He's managed to survive both without any ostomies, radiation, or chemo -- just surgery. His biggest complaint is that he has constant mucus discharge -- says that it isn't being absorbed by his bowels. I believe there are some procedures that can be done, that are worse for you than the
misbehaving sphincter. So from my very limited experience, I'd say it's okay what you're feeling, but always talk to your doctor.
Good luck to you and your sphincter! TL
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I take a small wad of tissue and pack it into my anus to control the flow of mucus. Several times a day I change it. Not a problem anymore.