What type of ostomy?


Is there somewhere on personals that indicates what type of ostomy each member has? I am hoping to have a colostomy reversal and was wondering how successful that is? I still have most of my colon so far....a rupture almost killed me. Any suggestions on curing constipation? If I can't correct it, the whole colon goes when the colostomy is reversed....Please, any suggestions.

Past Member

Hiya! I have an ileostomy and I also hope to get a reversal. I just spoke to the surgeon who is going to be doing it a few days ago, and I asked him the same question. He told me everyone's is different and he cannot predict or estimate success, but he also said it is worthwhile to go ahead with the procedure as if it works great, and if it doesn't then at least they tried it. Good luck with yours and I hope it all turns out the way you want. xx

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Past Member

I have a colostomy. I tried a reversal, but no luck. It was worth the try.