Bleeding around stoma during shower - normal or concerning?


Does anyone have bleeding at times around the stoma? Whenever I change my ileostomy to take a shower, I notice blood around the stoma. I've had this since surgery. At times when I have removed the seal, it has been okay, but more so than usual... It's not a lot of blood but when I dab it with a soft cloth, it stings some. Wondering if it's from the fluid that causes this.


Past Member

I think it would depend on what is bleeding. I have 2 granulomas on the stoma perimeter. They bleed easily but it's not a lot, and it doesn't sting.

If it's with every change, maybe bring a full change with you to see a stoma nurse? I'll let the others wax inspired about seeing a stoma or WOCN nurse.

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Mine would do this too. I think it was from the trauma sometimes of cutting the wafer too close to the stoma -or- taking the wafer off too quick? It did sting a little though. I would always let the water of the shower run over it to cool it down. Always made sure I used powder barrier spray when this happened.


It usually happens after five days of wearing the wafer... I use Convatec moldables which I mold to fit the stoma... Sometimes it's healed and not bleeding, but most of the time when I take it off and apply the barrier and powder, it starts to bleed some... Thanks for your comment.



This is not unusual. Several things can cause it including the wafer hole, dilation of the stoma, and the contents that make contact with the skin.


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That's what I kind of was thinking and why I didn't go to see the doctor... When you have this surgery done, they never explained the ins and outs with this. I have to learn on my own but thankful for this site, I've learned a lot here. Thank you for your comment..


Do you think you may be leaking a little bit from that same spot repeatedly, keeping it irritated???