Insurance coverage colostomy reversal

I am 12 months post colostomy and soon seeking a reversal. Has anyone had trouble with insurance covering reversal. Thanks !
ze1dude.. Hello. I had the reversal done in March of 2011.. Two weeks ago I had a temporary ileostomy made due to fistula. I am waiting for the fistula to heal so I can have the drop down again. I guess what I am trying to say is that I have had the stoma, drop down, stoma and will have another dropdown when I am fistula healed... (At least that's my plan. I have had no problems with insurance coverage for any of my surgeries. ) It's a long journey we are on and sometimes the road is all uphill..but it does get better and I wish you much success with your reversal. While it's not perfect, it's so nice to not worry about a bag and leakage and smell and .. well you know. Take care and best of luck. Jody
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i too am in need of a reversal, I have taken all tests besides the final Pre-Op tests they require to start surgery, and im Good to go, besides the fact i dont have medical insurance Or $27,000
Reply to yaya

Thank you for the info, I will have reversal surgery next month as least thats the plan.