Bleeding Around Stoma


I have bleeding around my stoma where the stitches were. Does anyone else have this problem?

Hi Dilane,
How much bleeding? Is your stoma new? How did you find out you are bleeding? Many more questions but most importantly~ if you are worried CALL YOUR DOCTOR~ I would rather you got a quick answer if it is bleeding heavily than have you wait around for an answer here.
Let us know what is going on....I hope you are only having slight bleeding which is normal and happens when we are cleaning and changing out appliances. Other than that, it would be good if you gave more information on your situation.
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I don't think I ever had stitches (crazy glue?). Read somewhere that bleeding around the stoma should be no more than bleeding gums.
Of course, not being careful has caused it to bleed more, but then that is my own fault.

Hello, I still have some bleeding in the same area. I'm about 5 weeks post-surgery now. I also have a very badly burnt area around the stoma that is mainly flesh, so it does bleed a bit. It is slowly starting to heal though. I got the burnt area when my stoma nurse widened my base plate to go around my stitches. I had them out, but she left the hole too big for a week and it burnt a ring to flesh around the stoma. We reduced it about a week and a half ago, and it is just starting to recover now. Everything else is good though, so I'm still lucky. Good luck.

Mrs A

Thank you for your reply. I have seen my nurse and I had nodes which she cauterized.

Feeling much better now.

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