Concerns about colostomy reversal and recent symptoms


I have had a colostomy for 3 months now and have recently, meaning this week, had cramping and clear discharge from my rectum, along with hemorrhoids, how is that possible? I would think that would have happened in the beginning right after the surgery, but I have been having episodes this week that feel like I'm going to have diarrhea. I go to the bathroom and something comes out watery, but I don't see anything so it must be clear.... I am terrified, supposed to have a reversal very shortly and don't know where to turn to ask anyone......



That is just mucus that your colon produces. Yes, it is quite scary at first. It comes and goes and usually is clear like saliva (yuck). Good luck.


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my surgeon told me about this before I left the hospital. Told me to take a soap enema about every 2 weeks to get the mucus out or it can turn into a hard ball in the rectum. Your rectum (or part of the colon that is attached to the rectum) still produces mucus because it thinks there is still bowel there to push down. I use a glycerin suppository if I don't feel like using the enema. Mine does not come out on its own (because I have a ring around the bottom of the rectum that was put in over 30 years ago) due to a prolaspe. For me it feels like I have to have a bowel movement, but it is only the mucus.


I had the same thing happen to me and was so scared. My husband reminded me that the surgeon told me in the hospital that it would happen. At first, I thought my rectum was falling apart, but it was good to just sit on the toilet and let it out. It lasted about a week or so, the feeling of having to go, so if you just follow how your body feels and let it out, you will feel much better. After that, it did not happen to me again. The fifth month, I was fortunate enough to have a reversal. Good luck.


All the other posts are true. You are completely as normal as it gets...

Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister


I think you should definitely go to see your doctor. I don't know if that is normal.

Best wishes,



Ditto on the clear discharge. I was told this was normal by my gastro doc. I get the strong feeling I am about to have a bowel movement occasionally and sit to have that discharge momentarily. Sometimes months go by before it happens again. I just had a 5-year colonoscopy exam and had this discharge frequently for a week. Now.... Back to normal. First time 14 years ago, I got really scared my insides were about to see the light of day. Hope this relaxes you. Have fun, Bud.


It is definitely normal, at first it is scary but a call to my doctor cleared all fears. At first it was every week then every other week and now it is seldom, sometimes months before it happens again, it has been 2 years since my reversal and every now and then I will get it but not near as bad and since I am pooping normal now it is not as noticeable other than the pain and pressure.