Ulcerative Colitis


Hi. Looking to talk to someone who had ileostomy due to ulcerative colitis. I just had a scope due to bleeding. They found an ulcer. Could my disease be coming back? Can my disease come back? Any advice would be appreciated.

Past Member


Well, that's a tricky one to tell. I had an ileo because of UC (pan colitis) and there could be multiple scenarios from what you're telling.

You either had that ulcer before the surgery and it only inflamed after treatments had been withdrawn or stopped abruptly, or you either have something called diversion proctitis which is basically a recurring of UC in the rectum stump even without having any waste that runs through what's left of the colon. The last possibility is that they could not take control over UC with the subtotal colectomy surgery.

I had an oscopy 6 months ago, that was 5 months after I had the surgery, what they left of the colon was all inflamed and full of ulcers. You can be prescribed steroid enemas, or you can leave it to heal by itself if not causing much bleeding, discomfort, or any excessive discharge.

If you're taking the steroid route, don't panic. They don't get absorbed by the body in this formula so you won't have those horrible side effects as in oral steroids and prednisolone.

For myself, it didn't heal completely but I didn't take anything for it either, as it was only bleeding for a week and then went to normal again. Currently in remission with rare episodes of bleeding.

Hope that helps.

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Thanks for the advice, Darious