Rectal bleeding 1 year later I've an ileostomy


Rectal bleeding post surgery 1 year later


I just had my second temporary ileostomy surgery and I am having rectal bleeding.I can't remember if that happened the lat time I see my a hi docter in 5 daysAnd the next day my surgeon. I will let you know what he says about bleeding but it can't be good I hate docters but you should see yours to

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Newbie Dana

What was the cause of the surgery? For many of us, it was a perferated colon. After the ostomy (which bypasses the perferation), that leaves the remaining stub of colon (which contains the perferation) attached to the rectum. Normally the perferation eventually heals, and in the meantime all you get is some mucous produced by the colon which is discharged from the rectum. This is normal, and no big deal. However, if the perferation doesn't heal then it can bleed, and lead to bloody discharge from the rectum. If it continues not to heal, or has some other issue, you can get continuing bloody discharge from the rectum, and this should be checked out by a doctor (preferably by your surgeon).

That happens to be an ongoing issue with me right now. The perferation was caused by radiation damage from the cancer treatments. Classic good news/bad news - the treatments worked (no more cnacer - yay!) but the radiation damaged the colon wall to the point that even after the colostomy, the perferation is refusing to heal. Classic symptom of overexposure to radiation - blood vessels forming in the area are too fragile and spontaneously burst leading to bloody discharge from rectum. Not much to be done - watching to be sure I don't develop anemia.

But the real point is, there could be other causes, and you can't tell if it's nothing to worry about or something to deal with until the doctor can check it out, probably with a sigmoidascope. Good luck, and let us know how it goes.