Need Help with Itchy, Burning Skin Around Ostomy Bag


Have any of you nice people on here had a problem with very itchy, burning skin, not under the adhesive of the ostomy bag but around the outside of the adhesive area? My nurse has tried me on all sorts of creams, steroid and fungal and nothing is helping! Any help would be great, thank you!

Marilyn x


Hi. I had the same problem. When you change the wafer, leave it off for a while. Wash the area with soap and water. Let it dry. Spray some Benadryl on the area and let it dry. Then put on the stoma powder. Shake off the excess, then put on the new wafer and rings that circle the wafer. The longer I had the stoma, the less irritated the skin got.

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NJ Bain


Are you talking about the tape that anchors down the wafer? After 8 years of using the same pouch, my body acquired an allergy to the tape. So now I just cut the tape off and the adhesive wafer is enough to stay put.




No, I don't use tape. I just rely on the adhesive! I get irritation outside the adhesive area, which I find strange as there is nothing touching my skin there! It's like a ring of fire around the stoma bag. Under the adhesive is clear. I just can't understand where the irritation is coming from! Thanks for replying!

Past Member

My ostomy nurse gave me Miconazole Nitrate when I started getting the redness and itchiness underneath the wafer.

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looking forward

I recently have itching around the stoma - nothing seems to be wrong there.

ron in mich

Hi Marob, if the wafer you use has the tape border, that might be the problem. Try using a wafer that's all pectin-based. Good luck.


Thanks for replying, my osteomy nurse is on the case, I will mention everything that you kind people have suggested to her, here's hoping! Thanks everyone!