Cramping during irrigation - is it normal?


Hi. I just started irrigating about 3 weeks ago and it is going great. This morning though, I had cramping underneath my breasts. As I output, the cramping died down a bit. I have not had this happen before, is it normal? Thanks.


A common cause of cramping is water that is too long as it isn't severe, I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you remember back when we pooped the "old fashioned way," we occasionally had some cramps. If it persists, I would ask my doctor or nurse about it.

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Thanks, Mild. After all the cramping is gone, I'll keep checking the water temperature. Thanks.


How much water are you using to irrigate? Sometimes that "full" feeling can be mistaken for cramps too!



About 2 liters

Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

1500 cc, give or take! I add a little extra because some does escape around the cone as I am putting it in!





How are you coming along? Any issues? Believe me, if it could happen to you, it did to me! Have to laugh now but was not so funny at the time! Remind me to tell you of some of my great irrigating days sometime! Lol



Hi. Doing absolutely great. Best thing that has happened to me since my surgery. Glad I took the plunge. It gets easier every day. One question though. It just happened today that I had output late in the afternoon. Not extreme but I have been getting used to no output at all since I have been irrigating. I irrigate in the morning. Any particular reason this would happen, maybe something I ate? Look forward to hearing your stories.


Awesome, so glad it is working well for you too! Probably something you ate that was not low residue. Greasy stuff or salads tend to make mine do that! You may want to keep a log of food you eat to compare it when you have output and you will find the culprit! I am a French fry freak so sometimes ya just gotta have it! Lol if I would just stop with a few but NO, not me! Got to eat a bunch! Lol I do still wear a full two-piece pouch system because I am having some radiation that causes some issues and I am trying to go every other day irrigation. Every day is much more dependable!


Shitt Happens

Good evening Puppyluv,

Me too, the water used to come out around the cone, but I remember what my stoma told me: to always enter your index finger with lubricating gel to make way for the cone, while the bowel retracts. It's easier to fit the cone, and now I never have water escape around the cone. :):)


Hey girl! Long time no see! Hope you are well!

I do insert a finger with every time. It definitely makes a difference! Apparently it was just the shape of that cone that was the issue. No more problems since going back to the first cone I used!



Thanks. I am also a French fry freak, so I fully understand. I think it may have been the Italian food binge I've been on. Spicy red sauce for dinner 2 nights in a row with a few fries thrown in, lol. I will keep track.



Either the Italian food or the fries thrown in! A little never hurts but, like me, I go all out! LOL



Hey Dancing,

Has your irrigation continued to improve? I hope so! I haven't seen you on here much, are you doing okay?

Hopefully, life is happening and you have less time! Lol



Hi pup. All is good here. Irrigating is the best. Down to a fine art and wonderful managing. I've just been in a bit of a funk lately but getting over the bumps. Nothing to do with new life. I miss being on talking to my the wonderful friends I have made but I will be back soon.


Glad things are going well with the irrigating!

Come back when you can! You are missed!
