Medical Marijuana - A Better Alternative for Ostomy Patients?

Aug 28, 2013 7:11 am

Some may say one loses hope

when once one chooses to use dope.

Others take a different stance

for them it will their lives enhance.

And yet there is another view

which stands somewhere between these two.

This says, some of the drugs do harm

whilst others have a certain charm.

Our world has come to think of drugs

as being organised by thugs.

But drug-taking takes many forms

and may not fit to any norms.

It's hard to tell which drugs are good

even though we think we should.

Some drugs are legal, some are not

but that depends from where they're got.

When the drugs are medical

they may seem quite ethical.

But if the drugs are from the street

they're often seen as bittersweet.

So what's the point and what's the aim

if the drugs are much the same.

If not a case of worst or best

then maybe that of self-interest.

Talk of drugs can be emotive

but maybe money is the motive.

Perhaps it's just a huge charade

for those who profit from this trade.

                                                B. Withers 2013
Aug 28, 2013 9:56 am

Once again Bill makes his point
Regarding choice to smoke a joint
Still undecided of my view, hence
It seems I sit upon the fence

Staring down upon you all
Hoping that I will not fall
While pondering all the pros and cons
Will pot disrupt my brain's neurons

Though those who know me doubt so much
This feisty attitude, it may not touch
Yet, ...possibly a little toke
Might settle this gal among the smoke

Now before y'all roll me a big fat doob
And I end up splattered across YouTube
This one more thing I really must say
What I want for us all is a happier day
............and may it stay...........

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Aug 28, 2013 12:15 pm
Wounded Doe on pot (RC)

A big hello to wounded doe

a pillar of the status quo.

Who has not yet made up her mind

to leave tradition far behind.

She questions everything she's got

suggesting it's the same with pot.

And whilst I would not moralise

this course of course could be quite wise.

As she explores I'm sure she'll find

that pot will not destroy her mind.

And it may well be apposite

to say that it's the opposite.

Once she starts her exploration

and she takes in moderation.

She'll see with taking cannabis

there is no deep and dark abyss.

The scary stories they put out

are there to sow the seeds of doubt.

They'll try to sell you other drugs

because they take us all for mugs.

They would want you to eschew

but you can't trust their point of view.

Their motivation's clear to see

they don't want you thinking free.

What they want is full control

of your mind and of your soul.

What they say is balderdash

to try to pry you from your cash.

                                B. Withers 3013

Aug 29, 2013 4:25 am

I see you and Bill are having lots of fun. Anyway, today I discovered a new delivery system for marijuana. It is called a tincture. Two or three squirts under the tongue, hold for 30 seconds then swallow. 15 minutes later... whammo blammo. No inhaling or coughing or the dreaded skunk smell.

Aug 29, 2013 6:33 am

A study has just been completed in Israel that shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that medical marijuana is excellent for the treatment of Crohn's Disease. It increases appetite, elevates stress, lowers pain levels, and helps fight depression. Its use put the majority of the control group in remission, and the others had drastic reductions in symptoms. Certainly sounds like a good idea to me. Certainly doesn't sound like "Devil Weed"! The only problem I see is how to administer controlled doses.


How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Aug 29, 2013 7:04 am

Cool, but I think you meant "alleviates" stress, not "elevates".

Aug 29, 2013 7:47 pm

I have been seriously researching more about everything we've all posted and the evidence that weed has its powerful medical benefits for numerous ailments and serious issues. I am pretty much sold on the idea. I don't think it would take too much coaxing and I will be sitting next to Chong rolling one.... LOL.... Kidding aside, this has really been a very interesting thread. I try to be so careful about my choices and what I decide to put into my body. I wish I would have given more careful research to the high dollar medications that were pushed on me in the past by my doctors. In my personal individual experience with them, it has done so much damage that cannot be reversed. And in comparison, weed is in fact ruling as a much safer choice, for sure. We know there is no cure for Crohn's, yet, just as there are many other situations for lack of cures or proper meds that make our lives more miserable in the process of trying to 'help' us....

I have jumped 'off the fence', my friends, and I stand with you on this... even though I have still not made the move to use, I have a much greater understanding of the natural herb and its benefits... and therefore I'm on the side, strongly so at this point, that legalization should be a must...

Aug 29, 2013 8:31 pm

Glad to hear you fell off the fence. As for Tommy Chong, you would have to come here to Vancouver to do it. He lives here.

Aug 29, 2013 9:00 pm
I have a friend, Doe, who has done much research concerning the medical use of marijuana, and she tells me she feels weed is more beneficial in other ways than smoking it; for example, she juices live plants which she has a medical license (in California) to grow on her land. Others I know put it in baked goods.

Any time smoke is used as the method of delivery, you need to consider the effects of smoke on the respiratory system.
Aug 29, 2013 9:07 pm

That is exactly why I use a tincture.

Aug 30, 2013 1:23 am
I'm so there with you on that one with the drug therapy for Crohn's......they want to put me on either Remicade, Humira, or Cimzia - none of which I've ever taken and I have no experience with them at all - but the research I've done is scary.    I haven't yet had a single doctor who can explain to me the rationale of making you sick to make you well.    I guess it will be my own decision whether or not to take them, but man is it a hard one........
Aug 30, 2013 2:50 am

I live in Texas and believe that the use of medical marijuana will never be made legal in my state within my lifetime. All I can do is vote -- and hope that it will be readily available and financially accessible to people like myself. Although I have never tried marijuana, I am insatiable in my curiosity about almost everything and would like to know if I can benefit from it.

I will not "grow my own" unless it is legalized. I suffer from the physical pain, debilitation, and psychological stress of several physical illnesses as well as the side effects of the medications I am taking. In addition to an ostomy, Crohn's Disease, Arthritis, and the debilitating pain of nerve damage, I have no relief or effective way of controlling either the pain of my conditions or side effects of my many medications.

I don't know if I would benefit from marijuana, but I would sure like to find out!! However, I am a mother and cannot afford the consequences of breaking the "law."

Suggestions? I do vote!

Aug 30, 2013 4:53 am
LOL!!! ...........Is he really?? ....aww, and here I thought he was hangin' in Wisconsin, LOL
Past Member
Sep 05, 2013 4:44 am
Let's not forget WA state, where not only is it medically available, it is soon to be commercially available for those who would prefer not to get a "green card.
Sep 06, 2013 5:18 pm

Speaking of WA state, a university grad (UBC) recently tried to cross the border from Canada to the US at Peace Arch and was refused entry simply because she admitted (stupidly) she had smoked pot in the past. The citizens of WA can smoke it legally but a Canadian cannot. Go figure.

Sep 11, 2013 4:08 pm

I agree, pot used in the right way is okay. I found it helped with my back pain.
And it never made me go high, happy maybe low.

Sep 11, 2013 8:38 pm

Oh Miss Megan, I wish you the best of luck and I am worried about you... continue to do more research before agreeing to Remicade or the other controversial 'meds'... and I know you have and will continue to do so. I wish there was a cure for us, but since there isn't, the decisions of what can help us cope with Crohn's is a struggle indeed. Personally, and forgive me, I cannot help but toss this out there, I hope you don't allow them to infuse you with Remicade now that I know it is far more dangerous than what I was warned, and now that I have permanent damage from it that may likely shorten my life... I feel my 5 or 6 years of being on high doses of it made me a mere lab rat... and it never helped my Crohn's... it only created far more problems... now, there are people on the DNA altering concoction derived from the antibodies taken from the spleens of mice (Remicade) who claim they did have some temporary relief, but most in studies who did show some temporary improvement soon lost that alleviation and more problems set in. Please just be careful xoxoo... just saying... I care.

In the meantime, eat lots of anti-inflammatory foods and discover more natural organic healing delights that might hopefully help, at least a little... as an example, I have a lot of relief from inflammation and other symptoms simply by nibbling daily on capers!... one of many great

healthy ideas... it's amazing how helpful they are!

Here is a really helpful link with great info, I hope you try them

Sep 13, 2013 3:47 pm

AWW, thank you Doe! I have been looking into other options - slippery elm and chicory, to name a couple. Like I told my GI, I can take my chances with sustaining more damage to my digestive tract from the chronic, unsubsiding inflammation or take my chances with a life-threatening infection or lymphoma from the drugs......seems like 6 of one, half dozen the other.

I also told them I didn't see the point of going on those medications when I am NOT symptomatic right now.....I haven't had any symptoms of my disease since having ostomy surgery and my inflammatory markers are normal according to my blood work. So why do it? If I was very ill and my blood was showing it as well, maybe that would be another story - but it isn't. So I don't see the hurry. I've heard many, many horror stories from people and if those meds aren't going to cure me - or even slow anything down - why do it? No medical professional has been able to explain that to me so far.

Sep 13, 2013 7:55 pm
Excellent thinking, Miss Megan! .....and the FDA has already 'Black Labeled' the Remicade but is forced to take yet another look at it, and it might be pulled from the the meantime, it's a big dollar generator basically, as we know :/

I told my GI the same thing regarding why be on something, especially that dangerous, when in remission and no symptoms and things remain unstable.....I once went 18 years entirely symptom-free!    .....keeping risks at a minimum and weighing risks is a careful balance, and sort of a gamble at times........but another BIG common link us Crohnies share is keeping stress out of our lives the very best we can.....because it seems we all agree that, though stress is not the main cause by any means, BUT, stress can bring flare-ups on and stress that gets out of control really raises heck with our Crohn's........less stress daily and more antioxidants and anti-inflammatory seems to still be the magical 'three' that best assists living

Here is a chart that shows more anti-inflammatory goodies to keep in the kitchen  This is not a full list, but it does add a few more to the shopping cart  xoxo    

I hope the photo shows up, my comp is not working correctly.........
Sep 13, 2013 7:56 pm

Gosh darn it....... :/ ....... gonna try it again, lol

Login to see image

There we go! again, the problem was not the computer......the problem was between the chair and the keyboard

Past Member
Sep 14, 2013 12:16 am

Hey wounded doe, sorry to jump in on this post but I was reading your thoughts on Remicade and how it might be pulled from the shelves by the FDA. I know Remicade can cause some problems but there's not a lot of detail online, the same info over and over and nothing too scary tbh. I'm on my second course of Remicade after a year-long course back in summer 2011/2012. It worked well for me, all nausea, sickness, and tummy cramps literally vanished when I started it. I gained almost 6 stones of weight in that year and actually felt healthy for once in a long, long time. I have also been on a 200mg daily dose of azathioprine (Imuran) for 10 years now too. It doesn't work too well, and that's why I ended up on Remicade. I worry for my health in the future, but I feel the Remicade and Imuran are the lesser of two evils in my case as my Crohn's seems to be on a constant 'flare-up'. I read one of your posts saying the Remicade has caused some issues for you, and you seem pretty well informed on the drug. I just thought you could tell me some things about Remicade and how it affects folk over time.

Bye and good luck, Sean.
Sep 14, 2013 5:46 am

Hi Belfast Bhoy. No need to apologize for jumping into the post, it's great that you did! That's what we're all here for, nice to meet you!

I am really glad Remicade has been offering you some relief, that is awesome, and I hope it continues to help you. I wish you, as with everyone, a happier and healthier life. Crohn's is one heck of a struggle, for sure. When I was flaring so bad before my last surgery almost two years ago, my GI wanted to put me back on Remicade, but in my case it was making me more ill and problems were growing, and the makers of Remicade actually did state a warning that no patient should return to use of Remicade after having been off it for....16 months??? I want to be accurate so I will try to dig up some links for you and send them to you. My much over-tired brain at the moment is already in foggy 'Search Mode' for you so over the next few days I will re-find some of this information I had so you can read through it.

.........and like I've told friends in the past, I do know others who have been on it and also had problems, and there is a rise in law suits against it, which is another reason FDA is being forced to take another look at it and has re-labeled it...........but.............I also know many people who have been on the drug for years and benefit from it as you do...and they are still doing fine.

There are so many therapies and such out there, it's always great to compare notes with each other......and of course we all realize that each situation is different. Also keeping in mind that I am extremely sensitive to things, "The canary in the Coal Mine" as one of my surgeons has always referred to me.......I am allergic to so many things, both internally and externally, even most soaps and tape.......imagine being allergic to tape and have to wear a pouch constantly, lol.........great fun, lol...... so our bodies are all very different, and I am "intolerant to most medications" as it is documented.

So, we are all just doing the best we can xoxoo.

I'm glad you jumped into the mix here! Will get to work on that info for you soon!
Get lots of rest and take good care!

Sep 14, 2013 5:26 pm
Man but you're making me envious with your Tincture, what a way to go.
Its been over ten years since I smoked pot and at the time I was working my ass of working 12 hrs a day, sometimes for three weeks straight and with a herniated disc which was slowly killing me, and that's not much of an exaggeration, and every night I would smoke a joint and have a great (little) lunch. This was after having two spinal surgeries, the first one was for a discoidectomy and the second was a much more invasive one with the complete removal of three complete laminectomies and that one made me start praying for death or a gun with two bullets, one for me and the other for the doctor who I explicitly told not to use Demerol on me after the surgery, of course you can guess what the F****r used and only a half dose of what I was normally getting when I was hospitalized for another disc episode. And around the second day a new charge nurse walked into my room and asked, How are we today and we told her how WE were and she left on a run and came back fifteen minutes later with a needle and fifteen minutes later the world started coming back to some form of normalacy but from that day on I swore I'd never go near another surgeon. So around this time I started growing my own medicine and some years it was all one could ask for and of course I informed my doctor who agreed wholeheartedly with my decision, knowing of my experience with surgeons and always reminding me that what I was doing was illegal but the pain I was in constantly, made that warning nullified as I was pretty sure if I were caught I could beat that fairly easy as I had a lawyer at the time who made sure every time I landed in the hospital I had a copy of the doctors reports, sometimes I would have a copy of a specialist report before my own doctor, who was as good as any doctor-specialist I had the misfortune of encountering, imagine going to the ER with a disc out and nurses wanting me to climb up on that gurney, and I hear this voice saying, quot;he can't get up there quot; and of course it was my doctor and he told the nurses to get my jacket off which was quite a chore because I was bent over and had my hands on my thighs to hold myself up, after getting rid of my jacket my doctor put his arm on my back and said to try and lean back which was a great feat on my part and then he tells me, ''this is going to hurt for a little while quot; and with his other arm he put it on my lower body and in a second he had me up on the gurney and was giving orders for an injection and for once that injection worked and in a couple of hours it was time to get me in a bed and he told the nurses to lower the rail on one side and did the same thing, as he lifted me up he had the nuirses pull the gurney away and he laid me in that bed like I was a child. My whole point about this little screed is can you imagine any doctor doing something like this today, I don't thik so. After about two weeks I'm back at work and my boss was trying to be as helpful as possible and had another employee load up the press for me and here is a case of the help being more trouble than help even though he was trying, but when you have sheets of paper coming off the press at 10,000 per hour that papoer has to be loaded pretty damn good or you can get in a lot of trouble fast and that is what was happening so I did it myself which pissed off my boss and my temporary helper, anybody who ever had someone give them help and found much to their chagrin the help was actually slowing them down. And so we go back to the pot for a second or two, after a long days work the first order of business was a joint and later supper and maybe half a joint before bed and that is what kept me going for many years until I had a heart attack and that began a whole new chapter in my life and my promise to never go near another surgeon got shot all to hell, the first order of business was to repair an aneurysm, which got screwed up royally and led to as close to death as one can come and still survive as a few weeks later I got really sick one night and the local doctors told my family I had to go to the city right away as things didn't look good, and there their first order of business was to cut me open and this surgeon couldn't find anything wrong, and I'm still near death so two days later another surgeon opens me up and finds my whole large bowel was dead from the blood being cut off too long during the aneurysm operation and then they put me out for ten days and I wake up with this bag on my belly which caused much cursing and swearing for a little while until I finally settled down to take care of business that we are all familiar with, and so my friends if you are in pain and other maladies that cause you distress I have found that friendly marijauna to be a life saver. If you have not seen the CNN special that Sanjay Gupta did on this subject its a MUST watch even for the opponents of the medicinal properties, some of the stories almost brought tears to my eyes and the work being done in Israel on the benefits of this drug are staggering. My last words on this subject, quotDon't suffer needlessly quot; there is help in the form of a natural herbal plant that has helped millions for probably millions of years. Ed
Past Member
Sep 15, 2013 7:07 pm

Hi again, Wounded Doe. It's good to hear back from you. I'm still trying to work my way around the site, and on a mobile phone too. Arghhh. I was off Remicade for 15 months before the hospital restarted me on it again. Not one person in the hospital mentioned that 16-month time limit to me.
Although, like you say, everyone's different and I should just be thankful that the Remicade is actually working at present.
You've got me thinking though. I read a little about my other main medicine (Imuran) and found on Wikipedia that it's been reclassified as a level 1 carcinogenic to humans by some international body somewhere. Jeez, I've been taking it for 10 years or more. I'm going to ask my consultant to take me off it for 6 months or so as a trial. It never did me any good all down the years anyway. It'd still be interesting to read some of that info you've found on Remicade. You must be a sensitive soul, Wounded Doe. All the crap in the environment these days can't be good for us. Some folks are probably more prone to it all than others. Hopefully, this message finds you well. All the best, Sean.

PS. Changing a pouch is a rough deal at the best of times. It must be a hundred times worse with tender skin. I don't envy you on that, my friend. Ouch.

Past Member
Sep 15, 2013 7:08 pm

Hi again, Wounded Doe. It's good to hear back from you. I'm still trying to work my way around the site, and on a mobile phone too. Arghhh. I was off Remicade for 15 months before the hospital restarted me on it again. Not one person in the hospital mentioned that 16-month time limit to me.
Although, like you say, everyone's different and I should just be thankful that the Remicade is actually working at present.
You've got me thinking though. I read a little about my other main medicine (Imuran) and found on Wikipedia that it's been reclassified as a level 1 carcinogenic to humans by some international body somewhere. Jeez, I've been taking it for 10 years or more. I'm going to ask my consultant to take me off it for 6 months or so as a trial. It never did me any good all down the years anyway. It'd still be interesting to read some of that info you've found on Remicade. You must be a sensitive soul, Wounded Doe. All the crap in the environment these days can't be good for us. Some folks are probably more prone to it all than others. Hopefully, this message finds you well. All the best, Sean.

PS. Changing a pouch is a rough deal at the best of times. It must be a hundred times worse with tender skin. I don't envy you on that, my friend. Ouch.

Sep 17, 2013 1:25 am

Hiya Belfast Bhoy! Hey, I didn't forget about those links for you. I have little time on the internet, unfortunately, but I have been searching for my file data on the Remicade. It appears most of it is on my old computer and not this laptop, so I am attempting to retrieve it. Also, I want to find the VHS tape that was given to me by my nurse back when I first began taking the Remicade. It is quite informative, and from what I understand, it was only meant for hospital staff, lol. But she gave it to me and did not want it back. Keep on me about this. By this weekend, I should be able to get all that info off the old comp. Cheers!

Sep 17, 2013 3:57 pm

Thanks Doe, that list was really helpful. I printed it out to tape it inside my pantry, lol. Yes - I don't want to take those. The inflammation is still going on in there, we can see it on CT scan - but it's not affecting me yet. So hard to weigh the pros and cons, but I just had a friend with Crohn's pass away from pancreatic cancer and guess what kind of drugs he had been taking for years? Yep, he passed on an ostomy and took the meds instead, now he is no longer with us.

So it's definitely something to take seriously.

Sep 17, 2013 5:00 pm
Getting back to the medicinal pot part I just found this on YouTube and hopefully this link will work, some parts of this story by Sanjay Gupta, are really heartwarming and almost brings a tear to the eye and I kid you not, even those opposed to this method of relief should watch this story that Dr. Gupta really did his own research and even apologised for a ten year earlier report he did on marijuana, Ed
Sep 18, 2013 2:58 am

That's what I'm talkin' about. Everyone MUST SEE this.

Sep 18, 2013 6:44 pm
Thanks for sharing this video, Ed, but I have to disagree with you on one point — some parts of this story brought lots of tears to the eyes.

BTW, Ed, I'll embed your video below: