New Mexico Single Seeking Friends and Support

Oct 11, 2020 9:33 pm

Hi everyone! My name is Jessica. I live in NM. My total colectomy was a septic emergency on January 29. I was in the hospital and rehab for five months. They diagnosed me with colitis. I do not like the annoyance of the bag, but I do love my lil stoma and not feeling terrible all the time. They also took out my cancerous appendix. It has been a ride. My biggest challenge with my ily is that I am a T2 diabetic and the food that I love that is healthy is definitely not stoma-friendly - i.e., salads, veggies, fiber - ugh.

I am recently getting over a short hospitalization for pneumonia and sepsis. I got sick so freaking fast. I am now working even harder for tight sugar control.

I love sci-fi and overall geekdom, drawing, and sewing. In my professional life, I manage a large big box retail store which I really used to love. These illnesses put a lot in perspective. I will be on short-term disability until at least January. The doctors are darn near trapping me at home since my immune system is so fabulous!!

I'd love to make new friends and the rest will follow. If not, new friends are the best!!

Much love


Oct 11, 2020 10:06 pm

Hi Jes,

You certainly have been through it this year. Your attitude about it all is amazing! I think that is a large part of the battle of ostomy life. Accepting it and not feeling like you are different now. You now get a cute new stoma that you can see! Lol

I understand the issue of what is good for you is not good for your ostomy! I am not diabetic but it is the same with weight loss and gain. It is really tough. So, do you have a colostomy or ileostomy? Irrigation may be an option for you if you have a colostomy. I irrigate and it does allow me to eat more of those things without that immediate repercussion of gas or output. Also, it helps with no output in between irrigations which is really nice if you have to work, especially the long hours of retail!

Welcome to the site. Lots of great information in the form of what others have done to cure issues that has definitely helped me in the beginning and still does!


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Oct 11, 2020 10:12 pm

Sorry Jes, I did see in your other post that you have an ileostomy.  

Oct 12, 2020 9:38 am

Hi Jess

I eat salad and veggies constantly and anything else I wish. I just don't eat high fiber (apple, mango, etc.) late in the day as it slows everything down too much.

Just add a little of your favorite things at a time, not too much too soon. Your body may just need more time to adjust as mine did.

Take care


ron in mich
Oct 12, 2020 1:17 pm

Hi Jes, welcome to the site. I've had my ileo for 35 years now. I stay away from raw fruits and veggies but eat canned fruits. Also, fresh strawberries.

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
Past Member
Oct 12, 2020 2:25 pm

You and your body have had a very rough time this year. Your body's still getting used to it all as you are.... It's not much help for now, but over the next year, try salads, vegetables, fruit, and everything else again before giving up on them forever. Sometimes our stomas need time to adjust to everything themselves before we can eat what we want.

Oct 18, 2020 9:28 pm

Hi Jess,

I've had my ileostomy from colitis for 2 years. It takes 6 months for sure to be able to eat what you want. The only food I find I can't eat is mushrooms as they swell in you. Eat your salads and fruit but maybe for breakfast half your week eat Greek yogurt with some oat bran and some oats. But also have a small bag of Lay's potato chips each day to keep on top of your electrolytes. That has made a big difference for me even though chips were not included in my healthy eating plan and working out.
You have been through a lot and it all takes time to fully recover.
Take care and I wish you the best in your recovery.


Oct 19, 2020 9:27 am

Hi Jessica, welcome from me as well!

Others have counseled that you take things slowly, especially after such a battering with your health, but let me cheer you up with the thought that I can eat anything I like now, so don't be discouraged over diet, as trial and error will show what you can cope with, and how much/often.

Best wishes, Chris

Oct 21, 2020 1:14 pm

Hi, you certainly have had your challenges. I had a colectomy due to MS 6 years ago. That didn't work, I was taking laxatives with a colostomy! Anyway, I ended up having an ileostomy and without knowing they took my colon out. I had reattachment surgery 2 years later, but the connection between the small intestine and the rectum blew up due to the MS. And I ended up septic. After a week in a coma and 3 weeks in intensive care, I survived, but ended with flesh-eating disease at the scar site. Needless to say, that year was a hospital stay convention. I feel for you about the foods you can eat. Due to all the scar tissue in my abdomen, there are only certain foods I can eat. No salads, greens, veggies, just starch and meat. Needless to say, I put on 40 lbs. The stoma area has changed because of this but I am coping the best I can. Maybe see a nutritionist? My girlfriend had been bugging me to see one for a while and I'm thinking about going that route. Best of luck to you. Judy