Kidney Bean Carcasses and Ostomies: A Chili Conundrum

stoma city
Oct 05, 2022 8:10 pm

Ok, so here's the deal-io. I made chili the other day—something that I truly love in the fall. I obviously forgot what kidney beans can do to you if you have an ostomy. After I indulged in a lovely bowl of fabulous chili—it was fabulous because I made it so fu*k off—lol

Later in the evening when I went to empty my bag, what do my wondrous eyes do appear, but lots and lots of little kidney bean carcasses! Oh holy sh*t! How could I have forgotten about that? I get that I could make chili without beans, but it just would seem like there was something missing—so here's to a happy fall to everyone and may your kidney bean carcasses be few—lol

Oct 05, 2022 9:21 pm

Wow, that is pretty cool actually. I see you have an ileo, so obviously those beans were not chewed up very well, or the carcasses would not have been intact. You didn't get a blockage, so things are clearly passing through you just fine. I'm always really careful about chewing really well, especially when eating something like beans. Sometimes I wonder if it's necessary to be so diligent, but I'd still rather not take the risk. Good for you!


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Oct 06, 2022 5:34 am

Black beans from Chipotle do the same for me.

Oct 06, 2022 11:26 am

I make an awesome chili but I put my beans first in a food processor. The mushed beans aid in thickening and still give the needed flavor. My tomatoes go in peeled. Hmmmm, I'll have to make a batch but it's still hitting the high nineties here.

ron in mich
Oct 06, 2022 1:41 pm

Hi SC, I had chili leftovers for lunch yesterday and like others said, you have to chew the beans to mush.

Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister
Oct 09, 2022 1:41 am

Yeah, for me "beans" equal the "blender" first. Fiber isn't our friend here, at least the large kind. I often see the flattened capsules from some of my supplements come out whole as well. Always a good reminder of what can and cannot get digested. I remember the good old days when I could eat anything and it would get broken down and digested. As Archie said........Those were the days!


Past Member
Oct 10, 2022 3:12 am

Kidney bean carcasses..

Oct 10, 2022 11:48 am

I should have mashed my green peas. Now my Leo is like a popcorn machine!

Oct 10, 2022 2:36 pm
Reply to Ritz

Oh, the visual that gives a person.

Oct 12, 2022 1:20 pm

When it comes to beans, etc. the rule is always to chew, chew, chew. But that should be with everything you eat. I eat everything but make a conscious effort to chew it all very well.

Oct 12, 2022 6:49 pm

The same thing happens to me with corn. I thought I chewed it enough but I sure don't. Then they come out whole.

Oct 12, 2022 11:39 pm

I have made chili with zucchini cut into about the same size as a kidney bean. It is better than you think! I cannot do kidney beans. Try it, maybe it'll work for you.

Dec 07, 2022 11:45 pm

I make what I call Taco Soup with 3-4 types of beans and rice. It's both a complete protein and complex carb. Nobody human digests the hulls (skins) of beans or grains/corn/peas, etc. That's plant fiber. But rice helps hold the liquid so the fiber passes nicer.