Horseback Riding for Pelvic Floor Therapy


Has anyone done horseback riding as part of their primary pelvic floor therapy?

If so, how'd it go?

Edited to add: After all THAT my surgeon wrote me back concerning my boredom with the physical therapy options available. She said she would prefer me doing something low-impact like yoga. You can tell she's gotten to know me a bit because she added I can go do yoga outside soon-ish. I'm still going to make a new friend with a horse though.


Oh, never mind.

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Reply to AlexT

Oh no, never mind... You get to deal with me when you're off work, and if you catch me in the morning before I'm onto my 2nd cup of coffee, there will be no mercy. Lol

Rose Bud 🌹
Reply to AlexT

Oh, Alex ... lol

Reply to AlexT

You are incorrigible.

Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister
Reply to AlexT

Where is the not helpful option?

Reply to Rose Bud 🌹

- How I feel towards Alex right now

Reply to CrappyColon

Does that mean lovable? That's an awfully big word for my public education.


I ride my horse all the time, but never knew my pelvis had a 'floor'. Is it carpeted, tile, or hardwood? Just wondering.


Reply to w30bob

Oh, good, her anger is now diverted with your answer.

Reply to AlexT

Yeah buddy... I got your back! Besides, you're probably catching enough flak over all those derailments lately!


Reply to w30bob

Thankfully it's not the railroad I work for. But I'll say the hush-hush of it would make me question things if I was impacted by it.

Bob 48
Reply to AlexT

I'm hoping I can ride my bike again this spring but no horse riding for me.


Reply to AlexT

At least I like horses... You and w30Bob... not sure about at the moment

Reply to AlexT

Pretty sure it's in Mary Poppins... If it's in a kids' movie....

Reply to w30bob

Seems to me like a question only you can answer...

Reply to AlexT

Been there. And yes, the sky really does look pretty from that angle. But at that point you're just hoping he doesn't step on you too!
