Smoothie Recipes and Blender Recommendations - Share your favorites and find the perfect blender!

Jun 04, 2013 5:19 am

Smoothies are perfect for pre-op and post-op, pre-colonoscopy and post-colonoscopy (DRINKING THE COLONOSCOPY OR OPERATION PREP blog coming soon). Smoothies are especially good on days that end with the letter "y".

After having a semi-colon removed last summer, I had no choice but to drink smoothies, and after a couple of weeks, I became a smoothieholic, drinking them daily.

I bought a Ninja blender/food processor, and I like it a lot. It's not quiet like you would expect something called Ninja to be, but it chops things up fast like you expect a ninja to, and while using it, I make sounds like Bruce Lee does in his movies. There are a lot of choices out there: blenders, juicers, food processors...mine has two separate chambers, one for chopping food only, the other for blending food and liquid.

I recommend taking a nap and eating a light meal (better yet, a smoothie) before shopping for a blender/juicer/processor/paper shredder (kidding about the paper shredder) because there are many options. I also recommend paying a little more to get better quality and something that handles ice and tough vegetables and fruit.

Pre-mixed smoothies I found have ingredients I avoid (corn syrup, aspartame, etc.), so I created my own recipes. There are eleventy-million smoothie recipes out there in cyberspace, so I'm going to save you the trouble of checking the interweb for ideas. Below are some ideas to get you started. I don't use exact measurements, I just get creative and make it happen. Ninja-style.

SWEET TATER SMOOTHIE (my all-time favorite)

Boil some sweet potatoes (I have used as few as six, as many as 17) until you can easily poke a fork into them. Rinse potatoes with cool water before skinning---they will be hot! Pull the skin from the eye, and the entire skin should come off easily. Save the skin, it's loaded with vitamins and minerals if organic ("organic food" is what people called "food" 100 years ago...don't get me started). I put the skins in a plastic container in the refrigerator to use in wraps, salads, smoothies, etc. Mash the 'taters. Mash some more. Mix with vanilla-flavored almond milk, maybe even a little vanilla flavoring. You might like it thick like yogurt or thin like milk. Just do it.


Three bananas, three tablespoons coconut oil, three tablespoons peanut butter (wow, actual measurements he uses on this one), chocolate soy milk. Wow. Make it a double.


Radishes, apple juice; chunky but good for you.


Kale. More kale. Water and protein powder. Looks like something you shouldn't drink, so you won't have to worry about somebody drinking it while you're away from the fridge. Kale is awesome. Kale chips are good, too (olive oil on kale leaves, sprinkle sea salt, cook at 350 for 15 minutes but watch closely so they don't burn. And now back to smoothying.)

You get the idea. Any number of vegetables and fruits (2 veg to 1 fruit is my favorite ratio) combined with either milk, juice, or water will work. You can't go wrong. I can't imagine any combination not working. Just don't add liver, unless you like liver. I don't like liver. Vegetables and fruit are the healthiest things to eat on the planet, right? Pretty much. You can also add things like coconut oil, chia seeds, turmeric, ginger, apple cider vinegar, etc. to enhance a smoothie's taste and/or its healthiness.

Please add your own recipes, blender/juicer/processor critiques, etc.

Happy smoothying!

Jun 04, 2013 10:58 pm


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Jun 24, 2013 2:17 am

A smoothie sounds delicious, and yes, I agree organic or non-GMO is best by far. Healthy, filling and filled with the vitamins and minerals we need naturally.

Jun 24, 2013 4:58 am

Organic vanilla milk, 3 bananas, 2 lemons, tablespoon turmeric, 2 tablespoons honey.

Jul 03, 2013 5:44 am

Coconut water, bananas, strawberries, mangoes, turmeric.

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
Jul 03, 2013 3:33 pm

Hi gottadime, I was wondering if you have ever seen or purchased a product from a company called Goya. The label says it's nectar, so I picked up two flavors. I should have read the ingredients though, as they contain high fructose corn syrup. But if I don't use them, it's only less than a two dollar loss. I was thinking about using them for a smoothie, any thoughts? Thanks~

Jul 03, 2013 8:51 pm

Ma'am, step away from the high fructose corn syrup! Just kidding but not really; researching HFCS is like anything else: it depends on who the source is, but I cannot find anything redeeming about it. In fact, some of the alleged side effects are alarming. I am no food genius but I avoid HFCS like the plague, especially after having colon cancer twice. I haven't found a Goya juice product without HFCS. Finding juices without HFCS can be a real challenge, so I go straight to the health stores for smoothie bases.

Jul 04, 2013 12:10 am

Ok, thanks, and yes I do try to stay far away from the HFCS but I was anxious to try the nectar so I got it. Guess I will write Goya and let them know how disappointed I am to find the ingredient.

Jul 04, 2013 12:18 am

I am having surgery and wanted smoothies to drink when at home. This will help. Does this make you go more? Is the texture thicker or watery as well? Just wondering. Also, should I watch out for high-fiber things in my smoothies?

Jul 04, 2013 2:10 am

Hi Carol, I can only speak for myself and it doesn't make me go more. High fiber things seem to thicken output so you would have to think on that since I do not know which surgery you are having. The hospital nutritionist should give you a list of what you can and cannot have and the amounts. Best wishes on your surgery. Always research everywhere you can get information so you can make a well-informed decision that is right for you.

Aug 05, 2013 5:03 am

Strawberry Kiwi Smoothie

1 cup 100 percent apple juice

1 container (8 oz.) strawberry nonfat yogurt

2 whole kiwi fruit, peeled and chopped

1 package (10 oz.) frozen unsweetened strawberries

1 tsp. almond extract

In blender, place apple juice, yogurt and kiwi. Blend until smooth. Add strawberries and almond extract. Blend again until smooth and thick. Serve immediately. (Unused portions may be frozen.)

Makes 4 servings.

Per serving: 111 calories, 1 g. total fat (0 g. saturated fat), 26 g. carbohydrates, 3 g. protein, 3 g. dietary fiber, 32 mg. sodium.

Aug 06, 2013 1:32 am

Hmm... Could you leave out the yogurt and substitute tequila...!!!

Aug 07, 2013 7:33 pm

Mild-mannered super hero, go easy! Instead of tequila, try ginger water: Boil some ginger root in a tea kettle, add it to water in a pitcher. Use this ginger water as a base for smoothies or teas, or drink it as is. Ginger benefits: Ovarian cancer treatment, colon cancer prevention, morning sickness, motion sickness remedy, reduces pain and inflammation, heartburn relief, cold and flu prevention and treatment, migraine relief, menstrual cramp relief, prevention of diabetic nephropathy. Source:

Aug 09, 2013 8:51 pm

Apple Pie Smoothie
Apples are a great food to include in your diet, especially when mixed with wonderful spices like cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves. This smoothie literally tastes like you are eating an apple pie! It is sweet and tart and has no refined sugar or added chemicals, which you would normally spot in a store-bought apple pie. The benefits of apples are as below:
- Reduce bad cholesterol
- Prevent Alzheimer's disease
- Decrease your risk of diabetes
- Increase your body's endurance
- Protect against colon cancer
- Boost your immune system
- Prevent cataracts
- Great for radiant skin
- Protect the heart
- Reduce your risk of asthma
- Make your teeth whiter!
- 2 apples
- 1 banana
- 2 medjool dates, pitted
- 1/2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
- 1/2 tsp. vanilla
- 1 cup young Thai coconut water (plus the coconut meat from the young coconut if you are using fresh)
- 1 cup spinach
Place all in a high-speed blender, blend, and enjoy the benefits of this amazing smoothie!
Source: Live Love Fruit

Aug 19, 2013 8:10 pm

Green Tea, Blueberry, and Banana Smoothie

3 tbsp water

1 green tea bag

2 tsp honey

1 1/2 cups frozen blueberries

1/2 medium banana

3/4 cup calcium fortified light vanilla soy milk


In a small glass measuring cup or bowl, microwave water on high until steaming hot. Add tea bag and allow it to brew for 3 minutes. Remove tea bag. Stir honey into tea until it dissolves.

In a blender with ice crushing ability, combine berries, banana, and milk.

Add tea to the blender. Blend ingredients on ice crush or highest setting until smooth. (Some blenders may require additional water to process the mixture.) Pour smoothie into a tall glass and serve.

Recipe Tips

If stored for several hours in a Thermos, shake vigorously before pouring. The smoothie will be tasty but thinner than when freshly made.



FAT: 2.7g


SODIUM: 52.3mg





GRAM WEIGHT: 466.10g

POTASSIUM: 417.10mg

WATER: 292.20g





CALCIUM: 63.70mg


SODIUM: 52.30mg




VITAMIN K: 38.40mcg

FLUORIDE: 38.30mg

Sep 30, 2013 6:13 pm

ABC Smoothie


1 apple 3 beets 3 large carrots 1-inch piece fresh ginger Handful of spinach or kale leaves, stemmed (optional)


Wash the ingredients well, juice, and serve immediately. This is especially good for giving the liver a detox.

Oct 26, 2017 2:22 am

I have a Juicelady JL500. It is a centrifugal juicer. Do you think it takes out enough of the pulp that the juice can be digested well without blockage? I double strain it just to be safe. I am just starting to try it. Reading your notes, it appears that you are doing okay with it. I have an ileostomy and have had it since July 12th of this year. Do you juice spinach and other leaves? How is that working for you? Any info you can add would be great. Thank you. Pamela

Apr 18, 2018 9:15 pm

I know a guy who is a fireman who has a colostomy. I know that is not an everyday event, but when he has to go out, he's fine.