Looking for understanding and love after colectomy

Jan 02, 2021 5:54 pm

Had a full colectomy last year due to UC. Was diagnosed 30 years ago! Looking to meet a guy who gets it! Hoping for a reversal but some issues involved. Moving out of NM soon. Just waiting for my last son at home to go Active Duty and I am out of NM. I need lakes, oceans, rain, grass, and trees. The desert is not cutting it! Happy New Year to all!!

Jan 02, 2021 6:38 pm

Welcome! I know how you feel about missing grass and water, as I'm located in the low desert of Arizona!
I suffered with my diagnosis for only 20 years before they said no more and took it all. I'm much happier toting my bag instead of toting my toilet!
I'm also looking forward to moving from my hot dry heat. Where have you decided to go?
I believe you'll like this site as much as I do. Happier Year Ahead.

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Jan 02, 2021 7:21 pm
Hello and welcome to this site. I wish you the best for this coming year and hope that you find and achieve all that you are aiming for
Best wishes
Jan 02, 2021 7:23 pm

Thank you!

Jan 02, 2021 7:29 pm

Hi, Jn! :)

Like Ritz, I get it: grew up in northwestern Montana, and miss the lake, mountains, and having four seasons...and GREEN! Have lived in the high desert of Nevada for 36 years. Still not used to it. No plans for moving anytime soon, but I envy you ladies and your plans.

Be well!


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Past Member
Jan 02, 2021 7:58 pm

Hi JN,
Welcome and wishing you the best too. I hope you will find a nice green place to live and happiness. Oregon has it all! Be safe and please update us on what happens.

Jan 02, 2021 11:57 pm

Welcome to the site! Glad you found us! I live in South Carolina. I am an hour from the beach, an hour from the mountains, and four hours from Florida! Best of all worlds. No snow, unfortunately. I would like to have it once in a while! It is hard to move though! Best of luck to you!

Jan 03, 2021 1:03 am

Hi Jn,

Welcome aboard! We're all hoping you can get a reversal! But if not, you'll find this a friendly place where you can talk about anything. And I mean ANYTHING!!


Jan 03, 2021 5:11 pm

Thanks, Bob!!

Jan 03, 2021 10:19 pm

Welcome, I have been on this site since 2010 and that longevity speaks for itself. Just, K.