Hello friends. I've got a question concerning some pains I've been having over the past week. I'll give a brief history of my condition... I had a colostomy done in '07 due to rectal cancer (stage III), went through chemo and radiation, and also had the rectum removed. All tests have come back looking good with no signs of cancer. I have a hernia on the side of the ostomy. Last year, my surgeon told me it was not large enough to do anything with at the time. I have had different pain with it and was told by my ostomy nurse that the sharp, little, tingly pains mean the hernia is growing. Last week, I started having a dull pain in the lower back (first time I have felt that pain) and pressure in the rectum... as if something was in it. I have felt that pressure before whenever I have overexerted my body (which does not take too much to do anymore). I rested over the weekend and was feeling better until today, and apparently, I must have done something I should not have, and pain started again. This time I had sharp pains in the rectum, which I had never had before. What I'm wondering is, could the lower back pain and the rectal pain possibly be associated with the hernia, or could it be something else?
I sure appreciate all of you and am grateful that I can ask a question and know that if someone has gone through it, they will be glad to answer. Thank you, Debi

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