Living on a liquid diet: Seeking solutions for severe blockages

Aug 26, 2010 12:03 am

Hello, I have scoured the internet to find anyone that could relate to what I am dealing with. My first surgery was at 10 months for intussusception. I was in a navy hospital and they had no idea what was wrong with me until they cut my stomach open all the way across. At 15 months, I had the same symptoms (full blockage) and they reopened me to find adhesions caused it. I lead a normal life and at 32, a gynecologist said I may have endometriosis. Turns out I didn't; however, during the laparoscopic procedure, the doctor cut my intestines. He opened me up, repaired the cut, and told me he laid my intestines on my stomach and cut away tons of adhesions. I was sick from sepsis and in major pain for many months. I married, had 3 children, and at age 40 made a terrible decision. I had surgery to have a transvaginal tape sling put in. The gynecologist went through my stomach for that surgery and repaired a scar that he said adhesions were causing it to look badly. The doctor cut out more adhesions. 5 days later, I was in horrible pain. I called a friend to take me to the hospital. He found me passed out after a long night of vomiting and diarrhea. The ER scheduled emergency surgery and said the intestines had gotten cut from the surgery 5 days prior and I would have a temporary colostomy post-operation. I didn't have one when I awoke from surgery. I was in the hospital 11 days and discharged with instructions of soft food, no fiber, seeds, or raw fruit or vegetables. The surgeon said the adhesions were so intense and the retractors he thinks had thinned my intestines, so I would most likely not survive another surgery without losing too much bowel. He said to prevent surgery at all costs. I have not been able to eat soft foods without it causing severe pain, distention, and rapid heart rate...partial blockages that I have only been able to relieve after 3-5 enema bags. I have resorted to a full liquid diet except I cheated on cottage cheese and had a horrible day trying to relieve the blockage. The liquid diet is depressing. I cook daily for my 6, 8, and 9-year-old. I run out of options on what to drink. I'm so sick of this full liquid diet. I take Centrum liquid multivitamin. I keep reminding myself that if I eat, I will die. If anyone can come up with a solution for me, please share. I am so hungry most of the time, but a lot of people on this site are also so truly empathize.
Thank you

Aug 26, 2010 4:21 am

Hi Dee, what a horrendous story, I am so sorry .....

I know before my dad died of bowel cancer, he was on TPN and was fed by tube overnight - but what he really missed was being able to taste different food .... at this point his bowel was totally obstructed so nothing would go down. What he used to do, however, was to put the food in his mouth and chew it and chew it and spit it out so that none was going down but he had the flavor ..... could you maybe purée what you are making for everyone else and make it more liquid by blending it - I know it wouldn't particularly look nice, but could give you some more flavor?? Some blended homemade soups/stews/smoothies perhaps too? Really hope you can get some good ideas here .... keep smiling, Rach xx

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Aug 30, 2010 12:14 pm

Sorry to hear about the problems you're having.

When I was on an extended liquid diet (after having many blockages), I purchased and used the 'Magic Bullet', an inexpensive blender advertised on television which works faster than many mixers. I used it to liquefy things like beef, fresh raw veggies, and most other 'solid foods'. Unfortunately, it does get really annoying having to go through the process just to taste these types of food again, but I also backed it up with a bottle or two of 'Ensure' or 'Boost', sort of like my milkshake after meals.

Aug 30, 2010 6:16 pm

I was on a clear liquid diet for 2 weeks for bowel rest and I used the packages out of ramen noodles and mixed it with hot water to get the chicken flavor. I ate a lot of popsicles for the chewing sensation! People don't understand what it's like to not eat for a long period of time! Not to mention, I was on steroids which intensifies the cravings x100!

Sep 04, 2010 1:16 am

Hi Dee
When I first had my surgery, I was on a liquid I know what you're going through...I felt starved all the time...feel better soon...keep us updated...hugs Peg

Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister
Past Member
Jul 12, 2018 1:40 am

I was on a liquid diet for a week. My first meal was haddock, and I got violently ill, just from the smell of it. Anything that has a strong odor gets to me... especially anything with garlic, which I don't consume. I avoid restaurants now, because if they burn food, I get ill. Like a previous poster said... get a good blender, and puree it to the consistency of baby food. I wish you the best.


Past Member
Jul 18, 2018 11:09 am

Speaking of Springfield... I better not see you on Live P.D., in the back of Officer Craigmlye's patrol car... lol

Feb 04, 2024 6:46 pm

Hello Dee



Are you still a member on MAO? Perhaps you may look into this site occasionally?

If you do receive this reply to your post, I would be grateful if you are able to respond.

Please see my current interchange questions on deep vein nutrition.


I have upcoming surgery and nutrition via vein feed has been given as a possible outcome.

So I am researching, hoping to be able to talk to a long-term patient user of vein nutrition.


Thank you so much.


Best wishes,



February 2024


Feb 04, 2024 6:55 pm
Reply to kenkd

Hello Kenkd


I have been interested to read your post here and wondered whether you have continued your puree regime indefinitely?


Or whether you went on to have a deep line feed through your veins?


If you do receive a link to my reply, I would welcome any update - thank you.


As I have replied to Dee:-

Are you still a member on MAO - perhaps you may look into this site occasionally?

If you do receive this reply to your post I would be grateful if you are able to respond

- Please see my current interchange questions on deep vein nutrition


I have upcoming surgery and nutrition via vein feed has been given as a possible outcome

- So I am researching hoping to be able to talk to a long-term patient user of vein nutrition.


Thank you so much


Best wishes



February 2024