Countdown to Reversal - One Month to Go!

Dec 20, 2011 2:01 am

Hi everyone-

Well, it's one month until my reversal.....I'm scheduled for Jan. 18, 2012.

Of course, I intend to go through with it, but I must admit that my mind vacillates between taking the "known" over the "unknown" as the countdown to reversal approaches. I've read everything I can get my hands on about reversal; listened intently to the folks here who have had a reversal and the pros and cons of the procedure; and even joined a forum just for reversal candidates and/or those who have already been through a reversal. Sometimes more information is just that......more information.

I must own up to the fact that I am a little scared about the whole thing......I guess that's sort of normal seeing that I almost died this time last year when my colon ruptured in 3 places and I developed severe sepsis and mega-infections. This all came on with no warning, no real symptoms except for low back pain, vomiting to the point where I couldn't keep anything down; and low potassium. I have slowly but surely come to terms with what happened and have befriended "old faithful" as the stoma that saved my life; NOT the stigma that keeps me from LIVING life.

Any words of wisdom, advice, and/or prayers and good thoughts are appreciated as I continue to mentally prepare for this journey.

I appreciate you all!


ron in mich
Dec 19, 2011 2:47 am

Hi Darla, it's understandable to be scared. Good luck, Ron in Mich.

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  38,659 members
Dec 19, 2011 4:06 am

Your anxiety is natural, but 10 days after my reversal in 2004, I was playing in a county-wide golfing tournament and I never looked back. Within a few months, I was as good as ever and even better. Everything will be just fine, you'll see. PB

Dec 19, 2011 3:29 pm

My reversal will be the 12th and I feel exactly the same way. I would not have a problem living with my ostomy either, and if I ever have to have it again, I will let it be. Best of luck and we can compare notes in a few weeks! Next year will be a better one for both of us, no matter the outcome! Beaner

Dec 19, 2011 3:31 pm

Hi Darla, I haven't had a reversal but I can certainly send my prayers your way! Hope you have a speedy recovery! Jane


Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Past Member
Dec 19, 2011 7:16 pm

Hi, I will be thinking of you and my prayers are with you for a speedy recovery, and to look forward to 2012 with good health. Take care, Ambies.

Past Member
Dec 19, 2011 8:22 pm

I'm awaiting yet another date for my reversal and can understand your worries. Take a look at the likes of Gizmo and Walt if you want any real inspiration and I think they'll put your mind at rest. We'll all be behind you here and praying for your speedy recovery. Take good care, Colm

Past Member
Dec 20, 2011 3:31 am

Best of luck to you!!! ~Jae~

Dec 21, 2011 1:46 am

Thanks so much, everyone. Colm - I am so sorry you got bumped again; just try and keep the mindset that there is a reason for everything...I was going to have my reversal 6 months ago but decided to wait because I didn't have the inner peace I needed to go forward. I feel much better about having the process done now than I did then. Beaner, yes, let's PLEASE keep in touch and compare notes! My thoughts and prayers are with you as you mentally prepare for YOUR journey. Primeboy, do you still have your reversal? That's very encouraging news that you were able to get up and out so quickly after your reversal! They say I will be in the hospital for a week, so a 10-day out physical event would be a stretch....but you never know! ;) Ron, Jane, Ambies, and Jae, thank you so much for the well wishes. You guys are the best! Darla

Dec 21, 2011 3:17 am

Good evening, I have been a reader of the posts as my husband had a colostomy this summer. He just had a reversal surgery done 5 weeks ago and had a hard recovery. Please make sure you are put on antibiotics to prevent any infections as that was not done for my husband. He still has one hole in the incision that has to be attended to by a nurse every second day. Good luck!

Dec 21, 2011 4:15 am

Thanks for the advice, I'll put it on my list of reminders!

Past Member
Dec 21, 2011 1:35 pm

Thank you so much, Darla! I just hope I can find a new surgeon half as good as my old one! Like Beaner, I promise to add you to my prayers for the 18th. May everything go well for you. Take care, Colm

Dec 21, 2011 1:47 pm

I am on my way for my pre-op physical. This just brings the reality of it even closer!

Dec 21, 2011 3:12 pm

Beaner, my prayers are with you this morning.... I am going to the doc tomorrow and then I am certain next week again sometime for the pre-op work. Where did the time go? Do you have any large intestine left? I don't. Hey, maybe we can message each other while we are chained to the loo! ;) Hehe! Seriously, though, hope your pre-op is as painless as possible and that your green light prevails! Let me know how it goes. Darla

Dec 22, 2011 12:36 am

I got the green light from my pulmonologist and internist. One suggestion from the pulmonologist - walk as much as possible before your surgery to build up your lung capacity. He said half hour every day if possible. I developed Legionella pneumonia after my last surgery, so they have been keeping a close eye on my lungs. I also had a rupture from a fistula. I do have some large intestines left. Hope all goes well, let me know!

Dec 28, 2011 4:13 pm

Beaner- I am doing just that...walking. Yeah, last year this time parts of both my lungs were collapsed and I had pneumonia, so I have been trying to build back up for a few months now, knowing that I would have this done in January. So you only have a couple weeks left! I go for my pre-op on Jan. 4th. Been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers....will continue to do so. Darla

Dec 30, 2011 5:01 am

I am ready for this, although my older daughter fell and broke her leg in two places. I have been in NJ, brought her back here tonight to stay for two weeks until my surgery. It never ends.... Stay calm and positive... I keep telling myself that...

Dec 30, 2011 5:06 am

Yes, calm and positive. This is just the old devil as my mom would say... Bless your daughter's heart! I will add her to my prayers. Remember that all this stuff will pass, like gas. Deep breaths. Hugs and care for daughter. Hugs and care for self. Everything will work out!

Jan 04, 2012 9:34 pm

Well, I went for my pre-op today. We thought that there might be a problem a couple of weeks ago; I had a chest x-ray and there was some haziness in the lower left lung. Based on the repeat x-ray a few days ago, the haziness has dissipated and there are no other problems with chest x-rays, and the EKG looked good. Provided my blood work is okay, I should be clear for reversal surgery on the 18th! Where did the time go??? Darla

Jan 07, 2012 3:14 am

It sounds like everything went okay for you. We will go to Philly on Wednesday and my surgery is on Thursday. Keep me posted!