Hi everyone-
Well, it's one month until my reversal.....I'm scheduled for Jan. 18, 2012.
Of course, I intend to go through with it, but I must admit that my mind vacillates between taking the "known" over the "unknown" as the countdown to reversal approaches. I've read everything I can get my hands on about reversal; listened intently to the folks here who have had a reversal and the pros and cons of the procedure; and even joined a forum just for reversal candidates and/or those who have already been through a reversal. Sometimes more information is just that......more information.
I must own up to the fact that I am a little scared about the whole thing......I guess that's sort of normal seeing that I almost died this time last year when my colon ruptured in 3 places and I developed severe sepsis and mega-infections. This all came on with no warning, no real symptoms except for low back pain, vomiting to the point where I couldn't keep anything down; and low potassium. I have slowly but surely come to terms with what happened and have befriended "old faithful" as the stoma that saved my life; NOT the stigma that keeps me from LIVING life.
Any words of wisdom, advice, and/or prayers and good thoughts are appreciated as I continue to mentally prepare for this journey.
I appreciate you all!

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Learn about some basic diet and ostomy pouch routines that can help prevent them.
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