Firstly, I want to thank each and every one of you who signed up to this website because without your support and stories, this journey would have been made in the dark. You really shined a light on big issues I had about stomas by just reading your comments and blogs! Like I said before, small stomas, big hearts. Thanks! xxxx
I did have my surgery on the 17th of November and it was a success, yeah! However, I am still not fully recovered and I have lost a lot of weight, roughly one and a half stone. The reason being that the output from the temporary stoma is too frequent and almost always liquidy!
Still though, I will say this, that this operation was a walk in the park compared to the operation I had when I was suffering from UC, even though making the pouch is a bigger op than bowel removal. I still feel like the pain afterward was easier managed because I wasn't as sick going into it.
The next op is supposedly in March, fingers crossed. However, they tell me it's more of a procedure than an op as they're just popping the stoma back in as all the pouch work has been done already. So it's just a matter of hooking it up now, sort of like plumbing pipes, me thinks! : )
Although it's not a major op, it's still going to be the decider for me, as that's when I'll truly know if the bowels are working or not, i.e., through the back passage. It's going to be so rare going to the toilet again for the first time in 5 years, but I'll keep you all posted on the outcome. And any questions or queries, no matter how personal or gruesome you think they may sound, don't hesitate to ask me!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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