Reflecting on My First Year with an Ileostomy

Apr 15, 2012 4:53 pm

Cannot believe a year has gone by since I first had my ileostomy. I've had a few downs, but overall it has been a great year. Firstly, I can walk anywhere I want, even if there isn't a toilet in sight. I can go out with the girlies without having to worry about pooing my pants. I can live my life without being on 22 tablets a day (definitely don't miss that). My toilet roll bill has been halved. I can watch a whole episode of EastEnders without running to the bog. Having my bum sewn up was great, the thought of never having a colonoscopy is heaven. Plus, Bertie has been pretty well behaved, only had 3 leaks which I think is pretty good.

The best thing though is having the support of the amazing people on this website! I couldn't have got through it without everyone's support, no matter how silly my questions were. Thank you

Kirsty x

Past Member
Apr 15, 2012 5:41 pm

Hi Kristy, I'm so pleased things have turned out okay for you. The last I read, you said you were having a few problems. LOL. Love the name Berite. TC, Ambies x

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Apr 16, 2012 10:42 am

Hi Ambies, After reading your profile, I was going to send you a message, but as I'm not a full member, it seems I cannot. I'm 2 years older than you, so I'm not too sure if I fit your age limit, lol. I'm very new to this site but find it a bit of a minefield and therefore, still trying to find my way around. I have posted some replies only to see they are sometimes a year ago. Still, I will get there in the end, I'm sure. I have had my ileo. for more than half my life, 41 years. I still have hang-ups with it; I don't think it is ever plain sailing for all the time. Anyway, if you want to contact me, then please do. By the way, I am a female and in a happy marriage with a grown-up daughter. Gee

Apr 16, 2012 3:40 pm

Thanks, ambies! Still having some trouble, but overall, having my bag for life has been the right choice for me. Hope you're doing okay! x

Past Member
Apr 16, 2012 6:50 pm

Hi Kirsty, I'm doing okay. I have some problems now and then, and I've had my stoma for many years. My problems are adhesions inside, so they kind of get in the way of the bowel and cause blockages, but sometimes it's food-related. But hey, I get by, lol. You have to keep up the good fight. There's always someone on here who's worse off. Hope things keep smooth for you; I'm sure they will, no turning back now. Take care, ambies...


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Past Member
Apr 16, 2012 6:50 pm

Hi Gee07, just to let you know I've not got full membership, but someone has kindly sent you my email address so you can write to me. I would be pleased to write you back if I can help in any way. Take care, Ambies.

Apr 17, 2012 8:05 am

Hello Ambies, just to say I did send off an email to the address your friend sent me on Monday evening, but it was returned to my inbox as address not right. Perhaps you could check with your friend and see if the address was correct, perhaps a dot out of place, something like that. Thanks, Gee07