Overweight, obese, pre-diabetic, can't see your winky?


I've got a friend who's entering the ever expanding diabetes world, and one who's firmly entrenched in it, so I went looking for a way to explain it to them that might just sink in and register. The video below is the best I've found, so if you're having trouble seeing your toes, or your Doc has told you you're pre-diabetic.....you should take 24 minutes out of your life to watch it. You'll finally have the no BS answer (and why your Docs are wrong).....as well as get a life extension to boot. Remember.........there are no fat people in the old folks' homes. Which is sad when you realize about 70 of the US population is overweight. Yeah, 7 out of 10!And the rest of the world is right on our heals. On the plus side I guess the buffet lines will be shorter for the rest of us in retirement! Watch the video!





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That is an awesome video and the information in there is life-saving. It is the best presentation I've seen on the subject, and he also has a couple of books; I'm buying a Kindle version today. I will most definitely read it.

It is not a diet but a change of lifestyle completely. I followed this very simple rule, no sugar and no processed foods -- made of complex sugars and carbs-- and fasting. I lost tons of pounds, like over seventy pounds in a year and of course it made living with the stoma astronomically better. No more having to go to the bathroom often to deal with gastronomic and digestive messes that made the whole experience torturous. No belly so now it's tucked inside me so even if you hug me, you still can't feel it, and it hides itself, it's an afterthought now, never mind I look better and feel more agile.

It brought social changes also, more activity, and a better life without having to deal with frequent bathroom visits and blow-outs and such. I am blessed and fortunate I have no side effects now, so I forget I have this the whole day, an afterthought now, cross my fingers stays this way.

It works and can work too well also. I took it too far, started to fast for days, and stopped eating veggies and salads, what happened was my kidneys started to fail due to the creatine, and my doctors had no clue. I kept losing and was getting very skinny, but I loved it because of the freedom I found with this diet. I hate this thing so much that changing my diet was so easy, loved it because I could see the changes immediately and feel the freedom the weight lostand lifestyle changeswere bringing, became addictive lol, not funny.

Doctors don't think it's diet that may cause something, they simply ignore it. Well, started to eat again, gained back fifteen pounds, ate allkinds of things, the kidney failure scared me cold, and the kidneys started working again. I was lucky I helped a friend move to this city and she stayed with me for eight months just as my kidneys were failing and she loves to eat and eats tons, doesn't gain either which is crazy for the amount she eats, and cooks really well also.

Now I followit but remember to eat salads and veggies and I do eat once a week 'bad food' like ice cream and pop corn, homemade with real butter, love Costco hot dogs. It's a good balance now. My friend visits now about once a week which is great for my diet, keeps me from taking it too far which I can do easily just because it is so freeing. I mean you follow these rules and you will have absolutely no issues living with this thing, it will free you, unless you have other complications.

This eight minute video can change your life, good luck to anyone having these issues.

Reply to Mr.Heart2Win

Hi Mr,

Glad to hear you got your shit together (no pun intended)!!It is amazing to me how the medical community will not step back and look at the big picture......they refuse to. They keep looking for medical reasons for illness even though they don't exist. It's not a medical problem that's killing everyone.......it's socio-economics. It's becoming painfully clear as every day passes that the cause for almost all of medical issues we now face, that we didn't just a decade before, is the fact that we've poisoned our own food supply. But we're so far down that road now, and there's so much money to be made both in making processed crap that looks like food, to the tons of medical treatments instead of cures, that we can't rely on, or expect the medical community or the food companies, to admit what's becoming blatantly obvious. I mean Big Pharma would go broke, as would most hospitals and doctors, if the real causes of our ills all stem from eating things our body wasn't made to eat. And like you said, when you figure it out and change course the results are immediate and amazing, as our bodies are programmed to fix themselves.......as long as you give them a chance. I'm studying up on fasting now, and have friends who do it with amazing results. One just finished a 28 day fast and feels fantastic. Being short-gutted I can't do anything like that, but now that I understand the benefits of it and how the body needs that time to cleanse itself of the impurities it collects......I'm going to start getting with the program soon. Glad to hear things are going so well for ya, and thanks for sharing.
