Distortion- stomas 3. Twist

Nov 18, 2023 8:36 am


In my past rhymes, I may have missed
a small, yet significant twist
to the concept of distortion
which should be kept in proportion.

Some folk with stomas, when they’re new
might be negative in their view,
and this is understandable
as stomas can seem horrible. 

It’s hard at first, to comprehend
what will be this journey's end,
or how we’ll cope along the way
as things change from day to day.

The first phase of this journey will
begin when we will still be ill,
so any thoughts that cross our mind
may not seem to be too kind.

They are distorted by the meds
that tend to twist things in our heads 
and so, until we are drug-free
it distorts our minds to some degree.

Then trauma has an aftershock
that can send minds off half-cock
and distort our perspectives so
it’s difficult to really ‘know’.

For patients, patience is the thing,
for it can help our minds to bring
new perspectives to the fore
that perhaps were not there before. 

After a while distortion may
twist things around another way,
so what was once a negative
can turn into a positive.

It does not always work this way 
but give it time, and it just may. 
                                                B.Withers 2023

Nov 18, 2023 9:15 am

Bill you are indeed a wordsmith.

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