Blowout Diverted! Elastic Strips - A Bed Sheet Saver

Dec 22, 2023 1:45 pm

Coloplast elastic barrier strips #

120700 saved the day. I cannot stress how important it is using these "C" halves, plus a belt.

Let's face it, a morning blowout just isn't the right way to start your day. The poo clearly bypassed the O-ring under the skin and sought refuge under the ring at the strip end, waiting... waiting for an already ballooned bag to pop.

Oh, the thought of chaos now diverted. Snoopy, move aside... let the warrior do his dance...

((Taps playing. 21-gun salute.))

Update 12 hours later just before bedtime -- it blew again but thankfully those elastic C strips were still in place from this morning. Still a fugly sight but contained and held back from those "smileys." Another disaster avoided. I guess I danced my ass off way too much, which caused this rip. Tear... save... whew. 😥😰

Dec 22, 2023 2:19 pm

Yes, I use those, we call them smileys. Thank you for that descriptive moment, I was like … ah, I remember those moments lol.

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Dec 22, 2023 2:58 pm

Tales of Christmas cheer come in all varieties. Whether it be a cool gift or a diverted crappy morning, Coloplast saves warriors' day.

Step aside, Snoopy....

Dec 22, 2023 4:35 pm



These 'extension adherence' smilies are helpful on various occasions, particularly when one is treating skin that can have no adherence to it. For example, when we need to protect our stoma skin while having treatments to allow it to grow again in the healing phase after other conditions:

These 'extension adherence' smilies can be positioned all around the bag adherence part and thus make a non-sticking bag (for whatever reason) still function as a collecting bag and ensure a 'safe' seal when the immediate area around the stoma is compromised.


Also, as a side note, even if the product has 'sensitivity issues' for some folks' skin, it can be used a distance away from the 'sensitized' abdominal skin for periods of time to extend and give security further away from our 'normal' appliance sticking circle area.


Very useful to have these in stock, even if not used regularly. They are also an 'extra' 'fail-safe' device when traveling long journeys, helping to prevent/overcome the "unexpected."


Best wishes,


Dec 22, 2023 5:11 pm

💃🕺Oh yeah..🕺💃🤦‍♂️


Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Dec 22, 2023 6:36 pm
Reply to Itsme58

Love your choice of profile name.


And yes, I too, think of the product [manufactured by more than one brand] as Smilies - for that is just what they result in!


Season's waves


Dec 22, 2023 7:16 pm
Reply to Jayne

Thank you, Jayne. I used to be Sunshine58, but this one fits better.