Nocturnal Visits to the Loo

Jan 30, 2024 1:47 am

Most of us do this.

That nightly visit to release the contents of our bladders. Sometimes taking several trips. In the dark.

Those visits in the night could increase the likelihood of falling or injury like a smashed toe.


I purchased these USB rechargeable cabinet lights strategically placed between the bedroom and bath.

Motion sensor activates it for 20 seconds. Enough time not to wake your partner and get into the bathroom to close the door.

Neat idea. 12 inches in length. The light also can be adjusted in different hues: white, cream, soft white.

20 bucks for a single. 40 for a pair with charger. Home Depot, not Lowe's.

If you have power outages, these things are magnetic with a separate mounting plate and really help in that situation.

I also place them in dark closets (where Bob hangs out on weekends).

Small price to pay considering the benefits.


Jan 30, 2024 2:05 am

Me thinks you mean 'nocturnal'... but who's counting?

Might want to invest in a pair of those padded slippers for those Flintstone feet of yours.


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Jan 30, 2024 2:27 am
Reply to w30bob

Says the dictionary man when spell check fails.

Yabba dadda dooo!

Jan 30, 2024 5:03 am

G-Day Warrior,

Try a company from China called "TEMU." Their lights are half that price and delivered free. They have bucket loads of stuff. Give it a go. Regards, IGGIE

Jan 30, 2024 7:11 am
Reply to IGGIE

Hi Iggie..! Yeah, that company you're talking about? Have you ever used them? Don't! I have it on good authority that this place you mentioned will take your information and sell it, and it's a bad company. It has a bad rep.

Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister
Jan 30, 2024 8:28 am

Hello Warrior.
Yes, I think these lights are a great idea.
Many years ago, when my mother was suffering from dementia, she couldn't remember where the toilet was at nights. I fixed one of these lights up by the toilet door so that when she came out of her bedroom the light went on and attracted her attention to it. There were no more problems finding the toilet after that.
Best wishes


Jan 30, 2024 12:23 pm

Not all those visits are to empty the bag. Those striving to remain always hydrated may be some of the visitors. They say a sign of diabetes is a frequent urge to empty the bladder. I don't need those lights. I have a weak red light glowing in my room, soothing and perhaps sexy as well!

Jan 30, 2024 3:18 pm
Reply to bowsprit

Good point. A little misplaced.

For whatever reason you do go to the bathroom, you could run... walk... skip to the loo, my darling 🎵🎶

Re: A weak red light? Why red? Red lights cause me to pull over.

I can't sleep with any light on. In some cases at night with a certain partner, that can be either painful or beneficial 😉

Jan 30, 2024 4:16 pm

I bought simple little plug-in LED night lights. Enough light to see where you're going in the dark, turn on/off automatically, and only use about .25 of electricity per year. Obviously, they don't work in a power outage, but how often does that really happen? 🤷‍♂️

Jan 30, 2024 5:28 pm

Why red? Because red is the color of love, not a stop sign. 'Roses are red, my love, violets are blue......' Anyway, you will see a lot of red next month when St. Valentine makes his appearance. How about: 'Roses are red, violets are blue. The economy is bad, I bought nothing for you.' Best wishes.

Jan 30, 2024 7:19 pm
Reply to bowsprit

Yep, they are red. I know someone who got some yesterday because it was Monday. Spur of the moment and spontaneous, way more exciting…

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Jan 30, 2024 7:19 pm

Sounds like a good strategy, Warrior...

And if so strategically placed and only lighting for 20 seconds, I guess it would not be intrusive within the decor - especially at floor level.


I, for one, DO stub my small toes from time to time - and this is really challenging [bruises easily] - so:


A thumbs up for the concept


and probably a thumbs up for non-intrusive AND practical doability.


Count one vote from the hills





Jan 30, 2024 7:27 pm
Reply to bowsprit

Red tones [flickering too] are also the red hue given off by the living flame - whether a log fire in the inglenook, or the campfire in the hills, or the BBQ on the beach. Red is not always a stop light.




Although... lol - forgive please... has anyone noticed that the red brake [stop] lights on all cars [here in the UK / Europe at least] are a universal red - yet there is a plethora of tones for all headlights and other front-facing lights on vehicles? Only kidding...


I concede that generally RED within a home is a positive and warming color

[even standby appliance lights that are often red - show readiness, and potential ;-)





Jan 31, 2024 1:34 am
Reply to AlexT

Sorry for the late 'Thank You' for the roses, Alex... they're beautiful. We were all trying to figure out who sent them, but when I read the card and it said, "Our life is a constant journey. The landscape changes, the people change, but the train keeps moving. Life is the train, not the station." I knew they were from you! I hope your girlfriend isn't the jealous type, but if she is, she can have them. Just let me know. You kind of cheaped out on the vase though. I mean, how long do you think a rolled cardboard paper towel tube with duct tape on the bottom, spray painted red, is really gonna last?



Jan 31, 2024 1:48 am
Reply to warrior

Red light is easier on the eyes at night, so when you need to see in the dark, red is the way to go. That's because the cones in the eye are sensitive to red, but the rods are not, so your eyes can adjust to red light much quicker. Your eyes still need to adjust, but red has a much lower impact than white. Red light also provides great contrast, and because the eyes can adjust to red much quicker than white light, it also preserves your peripheral vision better too. And it's why you'll find astronomers, police, miners, hunters, and anyone else who works in the dark use red light. Hmmmmm... I see an investment opportunity here... small red LED lights for porta-potties! Let it be known I thought of it first!


Jan 31, 2024 2:08 am
Reply to w30bob


Jan 31, 2024 7:28 am
Reply to AlexT

Wow! I didn't know that red light had so many advantages for hunters even, but I would never use it for that activity. The poor animals have enough of a disadvantage against the stalking hunter. I just thought it looked pretty in the bedroom and cast a sinister shadow over it, scare a burglar entering the room as well if he can get past Viper the German Shepherd. A question for the gentlemen on this forum: What color of lipstick do they like on their female companion? Red? But there are different shades of red, you know.

Jan 31, 2024 2:32 pm
Reply to bowsprit

Color of lipstick all depends on the person, their skin tone, attitude, and overall look they have.

Jan 31, 2024 3:15 pm

Why don't you wait for Bobby to reply? He's an expert on that stuff. He's got all different brands, all different shades, and you know how he has a tendency to be long-winded. So just wait on Bob to reply to that question. 🤪

Jan 31, 2024 3:15 pm
Reply to AlexT


Mysterious Mose
Jan 31, 2024 6:43 pm
Reply to IGGIE

My wife uses Temu almost exclusively and swears by the deals. I am not quite as enthusiastic. I installed their app on my phone once and promptly deleted it when I was inundated with unwelcome notifications I could not get rid of. So, I let her look on Temu before I buy somewhere else. Some things are fine, but others seem to be factory seconds that fall apart too easily. So, caveat emptor...

Feb 01, 2024 1:19 pm
Reply to w30bob

Thank you, Bob, for this explanation of human perception and how the eye rod cones react to red without compromise to our peripheral vision. Most enlightening and helpful.


Now you come to mention this, I do remember a little info in human bio and psychology. Shows some info is residual - ;0))


Are you medically trained, Bob?


I find your posts a valued read.


Thank you for your contributions.


Oh, and BTW, give my best to Bones - love the profile pic, particularly the positioning of your companion :-))




~ ~ ~ ~ waves from the Hills ~ ~ ~ ~




Feb 03, 2024 8:57 pm
Reply to AlexT

Here in NJ, we have blackouts lasting hours to days, man... several times a year. No joke.

Can't hurt having these lights and candles around. And nothing, my friend, beats a candle sexy-wise,

any night of the week.

Feb 03, 2024 9:03 pm
Reply to w30bob

How about... I convince our family... bro... to invest in that padded cell waiting for you... 🤔

With some red lights... and some 🌹🌹...