Seeking Recommendations for High-Output Pouches for Better Sleep

Sep 17, 2024 1:41 pm

I have to get up to empty my pouch frequently at night. Can anybody recommend a high-output pouch that they use successfully to be able to sleep through the night? If you could, please name the brand and product.

My output sometimes tends to be watery consistency fluid and other times oatmeal-consistency fluid. Looking at the size of the nozzles on the pouches in the Internet ads, I wonder if the oatmeal-consistency fluid would clog these nozzles.


Sep 17, 2024 1:54 pm

Hi there Psmith. Well, you're dreaming if you think you can get through a night without emptying.

Some of us get up as often as three times during the night, and in your previous post earlier this month, lies the answer why.

Having a larger bag doesn't help you sleep any better, my friend. Sadly, it still fills, balloons, and can pop a seal.

And please explain what do you mean about a nozzle? Are you talking about that charcoal filter which has been deemed useless by members?

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Sep 17, 2024 2:00 pm

Hi P,

 Coloplast makes this guy (click on link below).  Has plenty of capacity, no funnel tip end and is readily available.  I'm just not sure how you'd orient it while laying down in the bed so everything flows to the bottom instead of just getting backed up.  Never used one, since I rarely sleep for more than a couple  hours, but have been interested in finding a higher capacity bag with a normal drainage end.  This is the only one I've found that doesn't have the funnel tip end, which won't work if you have any significant undigested food in your output.


Sep 17, 2024 3:51 pm
Reply to w30bob

Yo bro. Cool item. Isn't it designed for urine? Urostomy patients? That thing is damn scary looking.

I'm still trying to figure out what he's talking about with a nozzle. If he's using this type of bagging system already, then why?

Yeah, I took my stupid pills today. Dense as a brick.

Sep 17, 2024 4:02 pm
Reply to warrior

Hey Bricklayer,

By 'nozzle' we're talking about the hard funnel end of most high output bags. It's plastic, and if your output has anything large and solid in it, it could block the funnel. Urostomy bags have the same end, just smaller in size, but I see the major suppliers are selling "high capacity" or "high output" bags for ileostomates with the same tip. I think the pics are a little deceiving because the funnel end isn't that small, but I'd still be concerned if I didn't chew something and a big chunk made it out into the bag. And I agree, that bag I posted does look a bit intimidating. I could see myself being awoken by a noise or something, and forgetting that snake is attached to me, getting up and bolting out of bed, only to find it chasing me!

Headline reads, "Man shoots ostomy bag thinking he was being chased by a snake," story at 11.



Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Sep 17, 2024 4:09 pm
Reply to w30bob

Replace man with farmer in headline news.

Sorry, this nozzle stuff is tripping me up.

I have a 12-inch......(shut up).....high out bag, the largest of its kind... It looks nothing like this snake bag.

Sep 17, 2024 6:08 pm

Hello Psmith.
The question about high output pouches has arisen several times on here, so I presume the replies will still be somewhere in the 'Collections' section at the top of the page.
I found that one of my biggest problems with any bags at night-time was with gas, which would be so prolific it would 'balloon' inside the bags and  force them from their mounting plate.
This has long-since been 'fixed' by using an irrigation sleeve instead, which can be easily folded up and clipped to form (what in essence is) a large bag. 
One of the several other advantages of using irrigation sleeves is that they are so easy to run water into the end of them and then swill round to empty down the toilet with literally no 'splash'. This is very useful if one has a wife that is easily disturbed during the night and doesn't really want to be hearing my toileting routines waking her up!

Best wishes


Sep 17, 2024 6:28 pm
Reply to warrior

High output pouches have a nozzle to open at the bottom of the pouch instead of a velcro closure.

Sep 17, 2024 7:42 pm
Reply to warrior


Thanks for your comment.

Could you please give me the details about your 12 inch high out bag? Who makes it? What's the name of the product?


Sep 17, 2024 8:07 pm
Reply to Psmith

Will do. I am at work now but will fill you in this evening. Dig?

Sep 18, 2024 1:00 am

If you use a 2 piece pouch, you could attach an irrigation sleeve at night. They close by clip and are easy to empty even if they are rather long. Coloplast, Hollister, and Convatec all make their own irrigation sleeves that connect to their respective flanges.

Sep 18, 2024 1:34 am

Several hours later... yeah, I just remembered everything I use is listed in my profile. Take a look, but the bag I use, I was told, is the largest volume type of bag. Nothing weird looking about it. This one has Velcro to secure the tail or bottom end where you drain it.

It's made by Coloplast for the SenSura Mio. The pouch item number is 11472 from Edge Park.

Sep 18, 2024 5:12 am
Reply to w30bob

Things we'd love to see on "America's funniest home videos."


Sep 18, 2024 5:16 am
Reply to warrior

Welp... thought there for a second you were talking about a dong. But it can't be 12 inches... that would make it a foot. 🤔

Sep 18, 2024 2:44 pm
Reply to Beachboy

Hee hee..and in a heartbeat'd u like my foot up...rather in..yur ass. Welp on that..

Sep 19, 2024 1:07 am
Reply to warrior

Ok Bro... I'll kick it down from 45 rpm to 33 1/3 just for you... because you know I love you!

First, farmers don't shoot snakes. We know they have a valuable place in our ecosystem. You shoot all the snakes and the mice overrun you. Other snakes keep those snakes in check and the hawks keep those snakes in check... it's already figured out for you... you just have to stand back and watch. Only city folks shoot snakes... and most everything else they don't understand, including people... which come to think of it might not be such a bad idea. But I digress. Just leave the snakes be.

The type of bag you have is a 'high output' bag... you're right. And it has a funnel on the end with a cap. All the bigger "high output bags" seem to have this type of end, rather than a clip style or roll-up end. We're using the words "funnel" and "nozzle" interchangeably. That means they mean the same thing. 😉

The concern with the funnel on your (and other) high output bags is what happens if your output is on the solid side or contains chunks of undigested food... will it fit through the funnel or just stop it up so it won't empty?

Now let's switch gears to the snake bag. There's no funnel tip on the end of the snake bag. It uses a clip which you can see in the pic below. So no issue with firmer output not coming out when you go to drain it. You capisce now? I knew you would.



Login to see image


Sep 19, 2024 2:33 am
Reply to w30bob

Who else sees this "bag" as a one-eyed semi-human face with a long elephant nose and clip-on tie?

Yeah, I'd wear that. 🙄🤥


Sep 19, 2024 2:50 am
Reply to warrior

Any chance you can share some of those meds you're on with the rest of us?  We'd like to see the one-eyed elephant man nose too.


Sep 19, 2024 2:53 am
Reply to w30bob

You misplaced your glasses again, Brother Bob?

And the family thought you were the visually impaired one. 🤓🧐

Sep 19, 2024 4:25 am
Reply to warrior

My ferocious feline immediately took umbrage at the unsavory commentary regarding my disconnected, ornamental anus. Pointing to her scratching post, I uttered "Warrior," immediately sending her into a clawing frenzy. Attacking the carpeted totem like a beast from beyond... she hissed, "Warrior."

Not only does she scale walls, she can scurry and shimmy through the internet too.

Sep 19, 2024 4:33 am
Reply to warrior

They can be used for ileostomy too! You just have to squeeze the poop out like toothpaste, and rinsing would require a periwash or plastic ketchup-type bottle.

Sep 19, 2024 11:03 am
Reply to w30bob

Hee hee hee... look in the mirror. 😄

Sep 19, 2024 3:31 pm
Reply to warrior

Damn, Bro... you know how sensitive I am about my big nose!

Just when I was getting ready to come out and trust people again... Ugh!

Back in I go...
