Why Is My Closed-End Pouch Leaking Near the Filter?

Lady A🌻🌻🌻
Oct 31, 2024 3:53 pm

Why is my closed-end pouch leaking? It seems like it's coming from the pouch filter, but I don't see any residue of a leak on the pouch, just on clothing.

Oct 31, 2024 4:11 pm

Hey... yeah, filters can be suspect, or the bag itself is defective. You have read some bags from (whispering... Hollister) were delivered to members that leaked from holes, filters, seams.

What brand are you using?

I found my flange, the wafer to be suspect at leaks, just before it's ready to blow, so be sure the wafer or flange is in fact not the issue.

You might have defective bags. It happens.

I use Coloplast (Coloplast, I meant) bags. No issues in 8 years. Knock on wood.

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Lady A🌻🌻🌻
Oct 31, 2024 4:30 pm
Reply to warrior

Hi, I am using the 2 Piece Natura Opaque with filter. I covered the filter, but I have circles of stains. No stains on the bag, seams, or the flange.
It's weird, this is the second bag that this has happened with.

Oct 31, 2024 5:26 pm

If a filter can let air out, it can let liquid out. Obviously, it’s not supposed to but if there is the slightest defect, it’s possible. A couple weeks ago, I was painting our shed and was crouched down painting along the bottom of the shed putting all kinds of crazy pressure on my bag. Got to work later that day and had the tiny leak from around the filter area like you mention. Cleaned it up at work, never had an issue with it while at work, and put a new bag on the next day. Did you get a couple bad bags, maybe. Did it somehow seep out cause you’re at some weird angle and everything lined up for a leak, maybe. I’d say if it happens more with the same box of bags, report it. Remember, we live in the ostomy world…shit happens. 😁 

Lady A🌻🌻🌻
Oct 31, 2024 5:34 pm
Reply to AlexT

Ok Thanks! 


How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Oct 31, 2024 7:48 pm
Reply to warrior

Warrior, not just Hollister... Coloplast too. They have been having holes in the bags.

Oct 31, 2024 9:33 pm
Reply to warrior

Warrior, you lost me on colored plastic bags. What am I missing? lol. 😂

Oct 31, 2024 9:47 pm
Reply to Riva

Freaking spell check is adding words to my mouth. I just corrected the typo. I meant Coloplast, not "color plastic." What is that?? 😋

And no, I'm not using voice to text. Big brother is watching and thinking of some other shit to say. 😆 Who died and left them boss?

Lady A🌻🌻🌻
Nov 01, 2024 2:20 am
Reply to warrior


I have defective bags. I just figured this out. I am using the two piece bags and the bags do not have a liner in them to catch my output. The pouches only has the opaque  covering that’s why it’s been seeping through the bag and I could not figure out why.  At the very top of the bag where the hole is  for me to click or connect to my base there is a piece of plastic. But then when you look down in the bag, there is not a bag to catch the output.

I have been stressing and fighting with this all day and finally laying here in the bed. I was trying to figure out what was going on. Why was this happening? I’m thinking this can’t be right and then the Holy Spirit said there’s not a bag to catch the output……sure enough I get up get a clean bag  and there’s not bag inside to catch the output. 

How could these have passed inspection?



Nov 01, 2024 2:53 am
Reply to Lady A🌻🌻🌻

What brand do you wear? And honestly, I don't know if the bags I have gotten passed inspection either. I have had big holes, a bunch of pinholes, bags where the entire top was literally ripped open. Velcro not matching up on the bottom so it won't close right.

Nov 01, 2024 9:52 am
Reply to Lady A🌻🌻🌻

Holy bagless in a bag, Batman! That's terrible! Just the outside liner? Damn. They passed inspection because it was 4:45 PM on Friday. No one cares. They're going home at 5.

Build dates and inspections.

This was a build issue. The machine was out to lunch.


Nov 01, 2024 2:36 pm
Reply to warrior

Pretty sure the bag she is having an issue with is the Natura bags (since that's what she said she was using).

Nov 01, 2024 3:08 pm
Reply to warrior

Ha. Ha.  Can’t make it up -   Spell check / Ai .  They’re listening and watching .   Never had these issues with my rotary phone 😂😂😂

Nov 01, 2024 3:28 pm
Reply to Riva

Rotary phone? Wat dat?😋😆😁😂🤣

Nov 01, 2024 3:30 pm
Reply to AlexT

Oh...ah... okay. I stand corrected.

Natura...🤮. No apologies to Hollister though.

Lady A🌻🌻🌻
Nov 01, 2024 3:52 pm
Reply to warrior


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Well, the tech helping me made me feel like I was lying about the bags. I tried to explain to her that the pouches did not have a bag to catch the output. She might as well have called me a liar because she had never heard of that. I am including the pics I sent to her so she could see.



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You can see there is only a plastic piece at the top for the filter area. If you look below that plastic, there is not a bag to hold the output. She tried again to make me a liar, but all you see is the plastic of the opaque bag covering.

I have not been at this long, but there should be the bag covering, then the bag for the output, and if you have a filter, a liner for that.

I am so mad that I'm going outside to throw rocks!

Because there is not a bag to catch the output, it is seeping through the opaque bag.


Nov 01, 2024 4:00 pm
Reply to Lady A🌻🌻🌻

Geez... sic the Holy Spirit on that rep's ass. Always ask for a supervisor.

I have been meaning to rip open a Coloplast bag because I think there are two separate compartments: an upper one and a lower one.

It's weird when you rinse. You fill half the bag as the upper part has air. I can feel the air in the upper part of the bag.

Anyhoo... you don't have anything—no inner liner in your bag. Manufacturer defect. They owe you.

BTW, who makes this bag you are using?

Lady A🌻🌻🌻
Nov 01, 2024 4:26 pm
Reply to warrior

No lining, ConvaTec

I'm trying to send a pic of the inside out.
Can you see where the plastic stops for the filter?
That's not the best pic, but you can see that there is not a liner bag.


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Lady A🌻🌻🌻
Nov 01, 2024 4:32 pm


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Nov 01, 2024 6:17 pm
Reply to Lady A🌻🌻🌻


Nov 02, 2024 10:38 am

Ostomy bags are made in many different countries, including India and other second-world countries. Find out where your ostomy products come from or change products. Regards, IGGIE


Nov 02, 2024 5:10 pm
Reply to warrior

I have been using Hollister and I'm not very happy with the company. I am new to this and I'm not sure if it's a good company to go with. It's so hard to decide.

Nov 02, 2024 10:06 pm
Reply to alleynyc17

Hi there... Alley? Or Allie? I knew an Alley... Cat... it's in California. Loves Kibbles. (waves to beachboy 👋).

I saw your profile. Understand you are new to this... but fear not... you will evolve... just be patient.

As for appliance brands...

Several people will love one. Several others will hate it.

Coloplast, Hollister, Convatec... are specific brands many of us use. It's really a trial and error experience...

You said you are not liking the Hollister brand? Because?

Do tell...

I started with Convatec. Wasn't happy with it. Switched to Coloplast and that worked. Never looked back.

So you're gonna need to try a few appliances... and see which one works for you because our mantra here... is...

"What works for me... may not work for you. So it's my suggestion to try it."

The Sensura Mio Click by Coloplast has a five-finger flange instead of four to secure it more properly. I liked that idea. Starfish design opposed to 4-corner square.

Without knowing your reason of dislike towards Hollister, it's difficult to help.

There have been reports of defective bags... leaking... and barrier seal irritation...

You will get the inside "dope" firsthand here. So stick around.

Welcome. You located in Manhattan?

Nov 03, 2024 4:02 am
Reply to IGGIE

Iggie seems like all three of the major brands are having issues: Convetec, Coloplast, and Hollister. All of them are having bad issues, which isn't right for us. They need to get it together.