How Often Do You Change Your Drainable Bags?

Jul 07, 2011 7:21 pm

I'm wondering how often you change the drainable bags?
I'm going 3-4 days on average. I generally take off the old bag after three days, shower, and clean up the flange area, which is usually a mess by then, then put on the new bag. I use a two-piece bag system.

Jul 08, 2011 5:41 am
Hi. Everyone seems to be different. It depends on many factors. I have very liquid stool and my wafer lasts about 24 hours. I usually change every day and sometimes push it to 2 days. Look for rednes, itching, effluent on the wafer when you take it off, body odor on the wafer, filter dry or wet, how often you empty, what you can afford, pressure sores around the stoma. All these things are individual and if you keep these things in mind, you should feel good about your wear time. Anybody add anything else? I am on brain vacation
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Jul 08, 2011 11:50 am
Where you live can also have an effect as if you sweat a lot the base may loosen and need replacing earlier.
Jul 08, 2011 1:10 pm
Everyone's different kbd, but I usually change about every 5 days. Right now it's kind of hot and sticky here in NY so I might not make it that long this time.
Jul 08, 2011 5:38 pm

I change mine on average every 3-4 days. This, of course, depends on several factors as highlighted by others who have responded.



Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Jul 08, 2011 9:55 pm

I could probably get by every five days even though I have a high liquid output; but why take chances? I am pretty much a 3-4 day changer now depending on how active I am and how hot the weather is. I sure hope they don't make any changes to Medicare because this stuff is pretty expensive.

Jul 08, 2011 11:54 pm
It is hot in Ohio right now and I wondered if that might affect the length of time the wafer can stay on. I change the wafer about 4-6 days depending on how much the thing starts itching. Right now it is itching more, probably because of the hot weather. I do worry about the skin around the stoma getting irritated.

Jul 09, 2011 6:12 pm

If I get a good collar seal around the stoma (which I generally do), I can go 10 to 14 days with the same bag. I live in hot Texas. However, this time is reduced if I do a lot of work outside and sweat.
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Hope everyone has a great day. Bob

Jul 10, 2011 5:41 pm

So Medicare will pay some? I have a few years before I get there, just wondering, as our insurance just keeps going up and paying less! Of course, they can change Medicare at any time, but for now?

Jul 10, 2011 5:53 pm
Right now Medicare pays 100% for 20 bags a month. However, with these idiots in Washington messing with health care there's no telling how they will mess it up.

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Keep your fingers crossed. Have a good day.

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Jul 10, 2011 7:38 pm
Hello, to answer your question, I have had my ostomy for 28 years and I change my appliance every 5th day and put a new system on.  I use Convatec's two piece wafer and bag and I have not had many problems other than I once had Impetigo which is a bacterial infection under where the tape goes and I had to cut all of the tape off and use medicine to clear it up.  Because of this, I don't think it is wise to go very long without changing everything.  I understand how expensive the products are but you are going to have your ostomy for a long time and I know now it is important to take care of the skin under the wafer and the bag. NAW
Jul 10, 2011 9:58 pm

I've been using Convatec Sur-Fit Natura Moldable Durahesive skin barrier (411806) 2 piece, and the wafer lasts me at least 10 days and could go longer without a problem, but 10 days is the max for me. Although I make it a point to rinse the inside of the bag every time I empty it, even when I am traveling. I just came back from Ohio, and the hot weather there
did not affect my skin barrier whatsoever. I started using this barrier several months ago
after trying other bags from Convatec, Hollister, etc., because of an allergic reaction to the adhesives. I have never had a problem since then. I have a permanent ileostomy from a permanent colostomy due to colorectal cancer. Hope this info helps.

Jul 10, 2011 10:05 pm

Hi SnowWhite,

Try Convatec Sur-Fit Natura Moldable Durahesive Skin Barrier; this may last longer in your case if they are available in Canada, which I am pretty sure they are. I too have an ileostomy with liquid discharge, so maybe this would help. Good luck.

Jul 11, 2011 3:26 pm
Thanks everyone for the info. I did not know Medicare allowed for 20 bags a month, I'd wondered about that. I'm amazed at how long some of you good people can wear the wafer. I've been afraid to try it more than a week, and usually change around every 5 days. So much junk builds up on the wafer after around 3 days that I usually take a shower with the bag off on the 3rd day just to clean the wafer and reduce odor problems. I'm finding that putting a few tic tacs in the bag helps eliminate odor. That was a brilliant idea, though I can only imagine the person who came up with this idea one day thinking to themselves that they really ought to put tic tacs in their ostomy bag

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Brilliant idea that works.

Jul 11, 2011 4:08 pm

I should have been more precise in my answer. Medicare allows for 20 drainable bags or 60 closed bags a month. Have a great day.
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Jul 12, 2011 12:24 am
Thanks Bob!

Past Member
Jul 12, 2011 7:27 am

Do any of you know of or use the disposable insert bags? I use a closed pouch (had a colostomy due to anal cancer) but find that using the liner bags allows you to do a quick cleanup/disposal when you quickly want to go somewhere and don't want to dispose of a new bag or go through the whole system of changing bags.

Try checking out Colo-Majic Enterprises.
Tel: (604)904-0494
Free Toll: 1-866-611-6028
Fax: (604)904-0379

p/s - I don't work for them!

Jul 15, 2011 1:31 am

For unknown reasons, the two-piece wafers adhere about twice as long [8 days or so] as do the one-piece bags. I use the Convatec Natura series for both.

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Jul 15, 2011 11:07 am

I guess it was a really good thing that I had my reversal when I did, because I used to change my bag about every 2 days. But I had an excellent nurse who came by the house and checked on me twice a week, and he always brought me some extra bags. Otherwise, bankruptcy would have loomed up for my future. But I always had a hell of a time getting the wafers to stick. I think that was the worst thing about the whole experience.

Jul 16, 2011 8:02 pm

I have been using Convatec Nutra Stomahesive wafer (p/n 125271) and drainable pouch (p/n 413334) and getting seven days between changes. I live in Oklahoma, and it's been running over 100 degrees here most of the summer. I do a lot of work in the yard and if I sweat a lot, I have noticed an odor before I get any leakage. I tried a lot of other appliances before I settled on ConvaTec.