New to the Stoma Support Group and Seeking Guidance

Oct 08, 2012 10:02 pm

A few months ago, there was a post about people peeping in and out, commenting on how it is always the same people commenting. This is my support group; like most support groups, you have an active number of people, and then there is me, the one who comes in late, drinks coffee, listens, and then leaves. I need this support group. This is where I come for information. Yes, as a new person to having a stoma, there is a lot I do not know, and sometimes I do not know how to ask. So, if I ask questions that have already been asked, please be patient with me. I find strength and courage here from people I can relate to. I care a lot about the people who are strong enough to carry on every day with a bag or getting a reversal, and I value the information shared here by every person. I do not know any of you, but we are all bonded together one way or another.


Past Member
Oct 09, 2012 2:58 am

Dear Foxbody...This is definitely "your support group," in any manner you choose. Sorry, I've been away for some time now and missed the "peeper" post. But I'm sure the intention was to encourage participation and not a personal attack of any kind. We were all new once and understand the need to "test the waters" before jumping in. There is no time limit on comfort or active participation. You continue to read whenever you can, and when you're ready, ask all the questions you want. It doesn't matter how many times it's asked, as every question and answer is valued.
Thank you for your honesty, kind words, and the courage to just speak up. May I say "Welcome to the family"...You are so right, we all are bonded, each being a special link in the chain of knowledge, caring, and understanding, complemented with the strength gained, just knowing that...we are never alone! Whatever comes our way, someone here can relate. It's a priceless opportunity to come together in a "safe place" with others that really understand. It's very nice to "almost" meet you.
Your ostomy sister, BEG

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  38,670 members
Oct 09, 2012 5:31 am
Hello Foxbody.

Thanks for sharing your feelings in this way. I agree with BEG that this is a forum for all sorts of participants whether they be active writers or active readers. Very few people can be active on here all the time.  My own involvement ebbs and flows with the amount of time available to me. But I do miss the correspondence and friendships  when I can't get online.

Best wishes  Bill
Past Member
Oct 15, 2012 2:01 pm

Heh, don't feel bad or awkward, I am the same, definitely more of a sit on the periphery and observe more than jumping in and interacting type of fella. That said, this site is an awesome support resource for us ostomates...wish there was something like it back when I first got mine, but the internet hadn't been invented yet, lol.
Past Member
Oct 16, 2012 3:15 am
other sites you might find useful:

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Nov 12, 2012 3:40 pm

I'm a peeper, too! I am only recently more comfortable with jumping in and sharing, and that's usually because I read something that I feel I can add to now that I have a little experience with my new little pal. So keep peeping!
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