Group Vacation for Ostomates - Interest Check

Aug 17, 2007 7:59 pm
Hi, all:

Anyone interested in a group vacation with other ostomates? I travel extensively for both work and pleasure, including scuba, cultural, beach and similar. Would enjoy putting together a trip just for us before June 08.  I am both a small business and tourism consultant, and know my way around how to put something like this together

I have no other details yet (when, where, how long, how much, what will we do...) but am just looking for your interest and ideas.

Either post to this forum or contact me at trifinisher at this site.


Bruce (Trifinisher)
Aug 27, 2007 8:09 pm
...I have a week off the first week in October. I'm planning a trip up to Ontario...anyone wants to come, give me the word....
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Sep 17, 2007 4:59 pm
Sure, I'd be up for meeting other ostomates. I travel extensivly for work too. Will be in Chicago next week. Not palm trees and beaches, but good to get away from time to time!
Oct 11, 2007 7:23 am
Boyfriend and I are off to Ohau in December 8th - the 14th...
Past Member
Nov 21, 2007 1:54 am
I'd be up for a trip sometime.  I love travel when I can afford it.  A huge camping trip once a year where people who want to can show up.  We could see how that goes 1st and then make it an anal I mean annual event with a different location every year.   We could put out a survey of locations to choose from and pick the top one.  Fishing, boating, BBQ's, drinking and dining in nearby towns...   The possibilities are endless!

Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Nov 24, 2007 9:03 am
Hello fellow ostomates

Anyone in Puerta Vallarta the month fo February till March 8 2008...would be happy to meet

Jan 18, 2008 1:23 am
Oh those trips away sound like fun!

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  Im getting terrible cabin fever locked up buried in snow in NH

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Jan 30, 2008 5:34 pm
Hi Bruce/All...........I'd love to meet-up with other ostomates.......Myrtle Beach,SC. would be perfect!...I'm about 11-13 hrs. away from there.,but if you like the idea sound off! I'll take the ocean/beach/shopping and partying anyday.....Give us a holler if interested...

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Mary Ellen
Feb 12, 2008 3:29 am
Would like to travel with others and get to meet - am interested but need to know dates when we would be planning for so can get the time off off of work without a hassle as no one likes to fill in for my job -- it would be nice to get away and have something to look forward to!
Mar 17, 2008 3:48 am
Hi, all:

Well seems like the idea of a trip somewhere with other ostomates could work. I'm really flexible: self-employed and can travel at the drop of a hat (or invitation). I was thinking Cuba, but I see that a couple of Americans have expressed interest, so that's probably not a great idea. Although US citizens CAN sneak in to Cuba from Canada, Mexico, Jamaica... however...

How about an all-inclusive week in Mexico in May? Whether Canadian or American, a week is about $500 including air, hotel, meals, etc from almost anywhere in North America. I've taken large groups with me before, and this is probably the best for people who don't know each other but have a common interest. No hassle, no thinking about costs once it's paid, lots to do... Many places do not charge a single supplement, so everyone could have their own room.

Thoughts, ideas???

Mary Ellen
Apr 04, 2008 3:04 am
Let me know the dates so I can try to get the time off - sounds great to me and am looking forward to it, Bruce -- thanks!
Jun 24, 2008 8:11 pm
I'm post-op right now; but I would be interested in the future.
Sep 08, 2008 1:19 pm
Sorry I'm jumping into the discussion late....  did the trip happen?  In any case, sign me up for the next one!  Doesn't matter when, as long as I have a few months' notice so I can save.  Anywhere in the Caribbean would be fabulous, as I'm off to Africa for 3 weeks this fall and I will need to beef up my savings account after that trip.  A week in the Caribbean doesn't have to be expensive!  How about late winter/early spring of 09??
Past Member
Nov 06, 2008 12:30 am
Hello everyone.

This idea of yours is great Bruce. If we got enough ostomates together in one place we can call it a United Ostomy Conference......oh wait UOA doesn't exist any longer!

Sorry.....I've met some really great people at different conferences as well.

In April of 2009 my son and I are going on our 2nd Disney cruise. We leave port on the 12th of April and head down to St. Maarten, St. Thomas/ St.John's and Castaway Cay in the Bahamas!

If anyone would like to join us that would be very cool! If not that's okay  but I love the idea of doing something like this. Just need details please.
Nov 09, 2008 7:46 am

Sounds great I am self employed and plan on closing my shop  for one week in january and fly to cuba ,or dominican Rep,by myself the plane is leaving my city for like $600.00 canadian money,I  had a long and sick year I just wanna scuba dive and take in the sun, along with the rum!Let me know !
Dec 31, 2008 11:44 pm
Hi, all:

Sorry for the delay in getting back to everyone. I've been travelling, working, looking after kids... you know... life!

I'm up for a tropical trip this winter. It might be short notice... sorry about that. Either last week in Feb 09 or around end of March-first of April 09.

My preference is for Cuba, as I have been 9 times in 2 years and love it, but if any Americans interested who don't want to sneak in through Canada / Mexico etc, I respect that and I'm open to Mexico.

I can work with an agency to block group rates and handle all payments, issuing of tickets, insuranc, etc. I arranged a 40 person trip to Cuba last year that went really well, so I'm OK with working with the travel agency. You would then do all your booking via phone or on-line with them. Price range I'm looking at is under $1,000 CDN, including taxes and fees, for a week.

So I need to know:

Who is interested?

Preferred dates

City you live in / near

Anything else you might like to suggest / know.

I really would like to meet other ostomates in a vacation atmosphere. No ostomy groups anywhere near me (I live in Nelson, BC in the mountains beside Kootenay Lake).

What say ????
Aug 15, 2010 3:30 pm
I would be interested in Cuba.
Aug 15, 2010 3:32 pm
What would the transportation fees cost?
Aug 15, 2010 3:57 pm
How about a group sailing from Key West?  I have the boat. (12 hours over and 12 hours back).