Eliminate Stickiness - Quick Fix for Reusable Ostomy Bags

Jul 27, 2016 4:39 am

Those reusable clip-on bags that snap on or off like Tupperware are great, except for the internal stickiness after just

one use! Easy solution is to sprinkle medicated body powder inside through the hole, then swish it all around onto the inner

surface with your thumb a few times... This should eliminate the sticky/tackiness real quick, thus making it ready for

reuse like a new bag.... Just make sure to inspect it for any unwanted holes or tears before reusing it!

Jul 27, 2016 5:44 am

Hello Houstonstomaguy. Thanks for the tip. I don't use bags but I can envisage another use for the same technique so I'll give it a try.

best wishes


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Jul 27, 2016 10:30 pm

Hi Houstonstomaguy,

I have only on occasion reused the bag, but your tip does make sense. Thanks.

Jul 28, 2016 2:28 am


If you don't use "bags", what do you use? Just curious....



Jul 28, 2016 5:26 am

Hello Houstonstomaguy. It's good to be curious 'cos that's how you find things out.

I don't need bags because I irrigate which gets rid of all the output in one go (in the evenings).

I use a stoma 'plug' which has the same sort of wafer as a bag but has a small, round, foam plug about 4cms long that pushes into the stoma and expands to prevent any residual output such as mucus.

I don't use them for that purpose because I still get lots of mucus from the outside part of the stoma. However, I do find them useful for keeping the stoma hole open. Otherwise my peristomal hernia tends to close right over the hole and block everything including wind, which could be very painful. The stoma plug is porous  so it lets the air out in a controlled way. Incidentally, the wind also comes out silently and there is the usual built in filter so there is no smell.

I hope this gives you some idea of waht we mean by 'plugs'.

The reason I was interested in your technique for stopping the 'stickiness' had nothing to do with bags  or plugs. It just sounded as if it would work for the latex gloves I use on a regular basis. They get so sticky on the inside that I have a job to get them on after I've used them once.

Best wishes



How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Aug 03, 2016 1:18 pm

I have had an ileostomy for several years now. Another option many people sometimes never realize is that the one or two supply companies you are made aware of at first are far from the only ones. It is your body, so I see nothing wrong with finding a system that works best for you. I happen to be very short, so I wear what are technically pediatric supplies, so I do not have to roll the bottom of the pouch up more than once. There is no clip needed on that company's product since the bottom rolls up a few times, then Velcro tabs on the sides hold the rolled-up bottom in place. People are always free to find what they like best or works best for them.

Aug 04, 2016 8:42 pm


Do you feel secure with just the Velcro? I have always used the clip with a rubber band secured around the tip for added security. Over the 37 years that I have had an ileostomy, I have had several accidents where the pressure of the material within caused the clip to open. Each time, I had failed to use the rubber band. I was fortunate that each time, with the exception of once, the break occurred in my house. The other time it happened on a baseball field. I was fortunate then that all the attention was placed elsewhere. I was quickly able to cover up all my evidence with surrounding dirt. Nobody suspected a thing.

Aug 04, 2016 9:36 pm

I have always felt secure. There have been the very occasional leaks over the years, but who knows how many of them happened for their own reasons? I figure no system will ever completely do away with leaks, but life happens, so I figure that is normal. Time and getting to know your own system lessen leaks over the years, as I learned. At least for me, itching around the stoma means the wafer seal is starting to wear away. More often than not, that gives me time to change the appliance before an actual leak happens. If I feel the warmth of product on my skin but nothing on clothing or anything, I know a leak is happening but hasn't made it to the end of the wafer yet. This has often given me time to change it before any real issues. If the worst happens, it isn't fun at all, but I learned long ago it wouldn't kill me! I deal with it and live another day.

Time has also taught me that the people around me will mostly take their cues from me. If I have to deal with it and were to act upset or panicked, they are also a lot more likely to do the same. If I act like it is all under control, they tend to remain relaxed as well.

But the Velcro on the appliance has never come open. Maybe that is the quality of the product, who knows? If I have been using a pouch for a little bit, moisture might get in the folds on the end. If that happens, I just get out a new pouch. I always get a new pouch every time I change the appliance, of course. I am glad you haven't had many bad experiences.

Aug 05, 2016 1:08 am

Your explanation about leaks is a natural, albeit fortunately not too frequent an occurrence. Yes, I do know those signs of a potential leak that is usually around the corner. I was particularly referring to the drainable pouch and the Velcro seal that closes it. In my opinion, and based on my experience, even with a clip, I use the rubber band as a backup. I have seen those appliances with the Velcro and questioned their reliability. However, if it works for you, that is great.