Can I keep my comfy Hanes for post-surgery?

Feb 18, 2017 4:47 am

Hi there

Brand new to the forum, and I have a quick question. Do I have to go out and purchase all new underwear, or can I stick with my comfy cotton Hanes?

My ileal conduit surgery is scheduled for 3/6, and I believe my diagnosis is a neurogenic bladder caused by my underlying condition of multiple sclerosis.

In advance, thank you!

Feb 18, 2017 8:15 am

Hello MassMikMouse. Welcome to the forum and thanks for an interesting question which I have not come across before in writing.

I suppose it might depend on where your stoma is situated  as to whether you would need new underwear.

I recall contemplating the same issue prior to my surgery and decided I would wait and see. As it turned out I had a parastomal hernia from the outset and the stoma nurse provided some underwear to accommodated that. It was next to useless for the hernia and a hopeless fit  for the incontinence pads I used to catch the anal discharge. They were also annoying for the fact that they were obviously designed for females (with no opening at the front) so everytime I needed to pee, I had to disrobe. ( at my age - needing to pee often is a growing priority!) I went back to using the underwear that I had awlays been comfortable with and have used other methods to sort out other problems.

I hope this is helpful to you in preparing for surgery.

Best wishes


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  38,668 members
Feb 18, 2017 5:05 pm

Thank you!! I have a feeling this will be a "wait and see" type of issue.

Have a good evening.


Kami H.
Feb 18, 2017 8:12 pm

I specifically buy Hanes since my surgery. The briefs are high enough that I can tuck my pouch in. Good luck on your surgery!!

Feb 18, 2017 10:52 pm

If this catheter weren't giving me so much pain right now, I would get up and do a happy dance! Thank you Kami!



Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Feb 21, 2017 12:44 pm

Being a guy, I may not have the same problems that you do, but I also have an ileal conduit, and being a fellow Masshole, I thought I'd add my two cents.

I've tried different types of underwear. Boxer briefs are good, but sometimes put too much pressure on my pouch. Regular briefs (where the pouch can sit on the outside of the underwear) seem to work OK. Since I prefer some support of "other areas" of my anatomy, I prefer tighter underwear rather than loose boxers, but you don't have that problem. Generally speaking, I prefer a loose fit around the pouch itself.

Feb 21, 2017 6:53 pm

When I received my ostomy, I never considered new underwear, I too wear Hanes. As I get older, I buy a bigger size so it will fit over my ostomy comfortably. I do not want to create a pancake. This is according to your diet. If you eat more fiber, it will thicken and when you lie down, it can accumulate right on the inside as it's coming out. You just have to experience one, to know what I mean. I still wear Hanes.

One of the shortcuts I have discovered is baby oil. I carry a small bottle of oil in my purse, and when being out and about if I need to empty my bag, it helps to put a small amount of oil in the pouch after you empty it. It causes everything to slide out easier and you are left with an empty bag. This probably can't work for everyone, I live alone so I can have things as I need them. I always put a small amount in my bag after emptying it in the am. I still change my entire ensemble twice a week. I call her Gertrude, and say she got a change of outfits. I don't go around talking about it, only to my daughter. I am older, 75 so I don't have the romance thing to worry about, divorced for many years.

I had a bad surgeon, the operation was a success but he nearly killed my spirit by implying that my operation was my fault for contracting diverticulitis. I considered a reversal, but could not bring myself to submit to another surgery by his hand. My daughter told him off one day and I have not been to another surgeon since. I have health problems but not that kind. Now, I am better off with Gertrude than without. I call her my wonder woman. Saved my life. It is a learning experience, having to clean up a blowout is sickening, sometimes worse than others. If you stain your clothing, you just want to throw it out. You can, but if you use a potion, it will come out. I use 1/3 dish soap (Dawn) and 2/3 hydrogen peroxide. Wet garment, spray, allow to soak for at least 15 minutes. I wear rubber gloves until it's clean, I assume you have been told how strong this feces is. Since we no longer have any colon, our feces has not been diluted and it is potent. I'm sorry, I am not explaining that well. It is not the same for everyone. I am happy and adjusted, there are some hidden blessings, no diarrhea for one. I wish you the best of luck, when I first came home, I lived on this website, just about. Home health nurses were available for the first two weeks, so much help, I will always admire those ladies.

Feb 21, 2017 10:33 pm

You can wear any underwear you want. I did find

that I needed one size larger to compensate

for the appliance.

Feb 21, 2017 11:17 pm

Hi. You can definitely wear whatever underwear you want to wear. The oil in the pouch is a brilliant idea. I have done it for years and it certainly makes emptying your pouch so much easier. Though I found baby oil was breaking my pouch down around the edge where I empty it. So I switched to olive oil and all is very good. Cheers from New Zealand. Ngaire.

Feb 22, 2017 1:02 am

I have had an ileo conduit for almost ten years now, and always wear Hanes or Fruit of the Loom, whatever I want.

The pouch goes outside of the underwear anyway, and the briefs fit up to just below the flange.

I could not put my pouch inside the briefs, as my pouch fills rather quickly, and I would not want it compressed and maybe cause a leak.

I can have leak problems easily enough without pushing my luck, besides, it would not feel right inside my briefs.

I have easy access to the pouch this way to drain several times a day. I just have my tops long enough to cover my pouch from view.

No worries. Good luck.

Feb 22, 2017 4:22 am

Hi Ngaire. The olive oil technique sounds like it would be very useful for me. I always have to use water to "wash out" my pouch when I empty it. Do you know if the oil can be detrimental if it comes in contact with the stoma and have you ever had any issues with the oil breaking down the seal around the stoma? Thanks!

Feb 22, 2017 5:20 am

Hi. I was born with spina bifida and had a neurogenic bladder since birth. I had a urostomy (ileal conduit, Bricker) when I was 10. Yes, you can wear any type of underwear that makes you feel more comfortable. I prefer the "tighty whities" briefs because they fit tighter in the waist and press on the wafer to secure it better. That works better than a belt for me. You just need to be conscious of when it fills up and keep it from pooling around the top. I'm 52 now and have had very few complications over the years and that's my story. Good luck!

Feb 22, 2017 9:21 am


Yes, the oil is a good idea. It does not affect the stoma at all or the pouch at the stoma end. Olive oil will not hurt your stoma.

The pouch I was using at the time did come unstuck at the end you empty but it only happened with one brand of pouch. And the olive oil certainly fixed the problem.

You might still have to rinse your pouch out with water, as I still do, but it is much easier. All the best. Ngaire.


Feb 22, 2017 3:01 pm


Yes, you can wear the underwear you prefer. I have adapted mine by sewing an additional piece of fabric to the inside of the underwear, creating a holder for my pouch.

For your pouch, if you use the two-piece system, you could also use pouch liners, which are easier to keep your pouch clean. These are disposable and biodegradable. Simply throw them in the toilet and insert a new liner for the next time. There is no mess and it keeps your pouch clean.

The liners are called Attiva Liners.


Feb 22, 2017 3:39 pm


Another tip for ostowomen -- leggings and long tops! I find any top with frills or a pattern hides bag outlines better than plain fabrics. I also wear shawls more often than coats... it's pretty easy to reach in and check my bag under a shawl without anyone noticing!

Past Member
Feb 22, 2017 8:38 pm

Hi there ....Underwear ?? Got to be Tightie Whities ...Hanes have great new ones and Jockey makes some extremely soft and stretchy ones....very comfortable for delicate skin around the waist.

This is a subject that brings a grin to the faces of the women in the places I visit. I visit my family in the US to recover from the nasty Irish weather. The US keeps me sane!! Anyway brothers' wives......I mean each wife of each brother...Each brother has only one wife!! The wife generally does the laundry and they do not like other people messing with their equipment. I don't mind being forbidden from laundry duties and am quite happy that the lovely ladies, and they are indeed lovely (they might be reading? lol!!) insist on doing my laundry when I visit.....However ... My rectum is still intact and I get a little leaking sometimes. To prevent oil stains lol!! I sometimes use women's pads ...little skinny ones to keep my butt dry. To keep this feminine accessory in place I must wear briefs. These briefs must be tight to keep the thing in place and keep my poor butt dry, they also keep the rest of my bits and pieces nice and cozy and comfy ..cotton is great!!

I find small seamless cotton briefs the most comfortable ...Men's briefs I might add .. The waistband just covers the bottom half of the wafer so it's perfect, keeps the edge of the wafer tight to my skin.. Also a couple of really bad leaks taught me that I could tuck the whole bag into the tight shorts and they would contain the "Flood" long enough to find refuge in a bathroom. The briefs are small enough to roll in a ball so that I have some spares on hand at all times in case of an emergency.

The funny bit happens every time the ladies get to washing my drawers ...." These are smaller than mine!!!....." was one comment that made me laugh. She needs to buy smaller panties if my drawers are bigger!! One wife holds them up with my brother standing there ....holds them up for all to see...." WOW!! Mr Magoo ....does everything fit in here!! ...nice to see that they are so flexible and stretchy ...' I was embarrassed for a minute but they are such great people we all have a great laugh.

Anyway that's my two cents on the subject of drawers!! Wear whatever keeps your butt and other bits and pieces nice and comfy and warm.....and also dry of course!! Mine look a bit like Speedos ....OK...OK....Not in public, not when anyone is looking at least!! lol!!

Who knew I could write that much about my Tightie Whitie Drawers!!!

Feb 23, 2017 4:29 am


My name is Marsha, and I've had my ileostomy for more than 50 years, and I'm 68 now, so you do the math.

First of all, welcome to the site. It's a great place to meet people, ask questions, get opinions and or advice. Most people are very helpful. But managing an ostomy involves individual preferences.

Re. underwear, you can wear anything that you find comfortable.

I found that wearing loose, comfortable cotton undies didn't work for me during the day. I wanted a flatter look on my belly, especially when tops or sweaters weren't long enough.

When I had my surgery, appliances were quite different, and I needed something with more support to hold in the heavy rubber pouch, plastic flange, and metal ring. Those were the "not so good old days".

As fabrics changed, I began to use lightweight stretch undies during the day, and cotton (Hanes/Fruit of the Loom) at night. These days, I've been wearing lightweight stretchy Jockey underwear. The briefs come up too high for me and then roll down, irritating my skin and binding the wafer. So I've experimented with the "hipster", which rests right above the flange. But I still wear the comfy cotton for sleep at night. Best suggestion is to wait until after your surgery to decide what is more comfortable. Best of luck. Marsha

Fraidy Cat
Mar 16, 2017 4:36 am


I've had a colostomy for going on 2 years. As for the underwear, I like to first put on bikinis that come to the bottom of the wafer allowing the bag to hang over away from the skin, then put a waist-high brief on top to support and conceal the bag. I started doing that when I developed a rash from the wafer tape, and it seems to help with that. I also like to use baby oil in the bag along with a dash of mouthwash and about 4 tic-tac mints for odor control.

Past Member
Mar 18, 2017 2:43 pm

Or pleats

Mar 25, 2017 8:50 pm

I use the Hanes briefs too and love them ---

Past Member
Apr 03, 2017 7:01 pm

Fast and easy is my motto.... Take two pairs of undies (Hanes High-Cut Briefs for me) and turn one inside out, then slip the one pair into the other. Using a zigzag stitch, stretch the leg openings as you stitch them. After the legs are sewn, all you have to do is tuck your bag in between the two pairs. I've been doing this for years! If I have the time and energy, I'll just use the front panel of one pair and zigzag it in place; down the side, on the edge, across the seam in the front bottom, the other leg, and up the other edge. Voila, security and comfort at minimal expense.

Apr 06, 2017 12:29 pm've been given lots of ideas...I've tried different kinds of I use's one of those things of wait and see what will work best for you...

Past Member
Apr 07, 2017 11:20 am

If you wish to get new underwear, please do. My advice is to wear two pairs. I wear my comfy Hanes mid-rise (not quite bikini) under my pouch and a regular stretch brief over my pouch. The cotton absorbs perspiration, and the outer stretchy brief distributes the feces evenly so you don't have the bulge. I have been doing this for 33 years. I haven't been sore from sweat since. Also, it is a much cleaner look under my clothes. No one can tell I have Henretta (the name my daughter gave my ostomy 38 years ago). Good luck with your new friend. I say friend because I have found that Henretta turned my life around. I am much happier with a pouch than I was before, as now I can eat or do whatever I want and not worry about looking for a bathroom before I mess myself.

Newbie Dana
Nov 13, 2017 6:23 pm

As a woman in college, I started experimenting with different styles of underwear, and came to the conclusion that bikini panties were the most comfortable for me. They saw me through 2 pregnancies without having to change style or size (they fit below the mega-bulge, right on up to delivery!). When I got my stoma, I briefly (pun intended!) considered changing to a larger style, but found that the bikinis actually were still more comfortable and I did not require anything over the top holding the appliance in place. This was good, as I sometimes have problems with pancaking, which I corrected by switching from wearing pants to wearing skirts to relieve the pressure and constriction on the stoma - a change of outerwear, rather than a change of underwear!

Not everyone finds wearing the bikini style comfortable, but Hanes does make them in a nice soft 100% cotton, with the same feel of the fabric as the larger/higher brief style. You might consider even trying some in one size larger than the size charts on the package - they still stay comfortably up in place, but do not feel as constricting as the "correct" size might. In fact, Hanes makes them in the complete range - brief, low-rise brief, hipster, and bikini. Strangely enough, I did shopping yesterday for underwear for the whole family, and ended up with a new set of Hanes bikinis for myself!

I have never bothered with the double-underwear solution (although it has obviously worked for several people here on the site), mainly to avoid ANYTHING tight against the pouch for pancaking reasons. I have had excellent results anchoring the faceplate by using the Aqua Seal by Costa Medical over the top of the faceplate and under the pouch. Works like a charm - and I have never had a faceplate fall off.

My best advice is listen to what we all say, experiment to find out what works best for you, and don't worry too much about it. In a couple of months or so, you will have figured it out and it will be basic maintenance after that. Good luck!

Sep 25, 2018 2:04 am

Depending on where your bag sits, you can wear your same underwear. I was able to wear most of mine, but I found some nice ones on the osteomyelitis site too. I recently found some really comfortable ones that hit just below the flange, and they are really comfortable. I had a hard time finding jeans that I could wear over my barrier that wouldn't be tight. Then an osteomate told me about wearing maternity jeans!! It worked famously, and I can wear jeans now. The panel holds the bag securely without pain or pressure. No one can even tell they are maternity jeans unless you show them. Good luck to you!

Little Red
Oct 20, 2019 7:39 pm

I have used Haines for years and still do after my colostomy. Bands on underwear are around my waist, and ostomy is below so no problem.

Jan 21, 2021 6:47 am

Yes, Hanes Intimates is more comfortable than any other brands. Yesterday, I purchased some undies from

Feb 14, 2021 7:29 pm

You will not want to wear any underwear or pants for weeks after surgery :( I am on week two at home and still finding everything irritating my stitches and stoma area. It is probably because I am still healing, but I even wore a housedress to the doctor's office lol in order to avoid discomfort.

Past Member
Feb 15, 2021 3:23 am favorite subject!! One time not that long ago, I was staying with my brother in NY and his lovely wife insisted on doing all the laundry. Much fun and embarrassment ensued. A bunch of us were having coffee and morning bagels in the kitchen. My lovely sis-in-law held up a pair of what looked like knickers, very small skimpy knickers... Eamon, she said as she giggled... "Yours are smaller than mine". I had a second or two to admit or deny that they were mine (yeah, they were mine lol). "You are soooo funny," says I as I turn bright red as I admit to the crime lol... and start laughing. I made an attempt to say that I have special needs in the underwear/butt/waist department. A girl I dated years ago had the most comfortable cotton knickers, they looked like a second skin on her ample arse, and a lovely arse it was, just big enough but not huge, just enough to give that jiggle as she walked. (Sorry ladies for objectifying but a fact is a fact and her arse was like semi-solid jello.... Yummm lol) The fabric didn't bunch up between her lovely cheeks when she bent down, it stayed where she wanted it and didn't go wandering all over her delicious arse and up the crack of her butt. I could never wear boxers, just too annoying. Well, one chilly morning I had no clean drawers and since I like briefs, I grabbed a pair of her drawers (too chilly to go commando!). As soon as I slipped them up my hairy legs and over my baby soft hairy butt, I thought... "damn, women have it so good in the drawers department. The fabric was so soft and comfortable and more importantly didn't slide down over my butt cheeks all day, the fabric stayed right where I put it!!! They were pink so I made sure I had some more manly drawers for the next day, a more manly color!!! LOL... I prefer white. But seriously, they are perfect for the ileostomy waist. My underwear would be sliding down my cheeks as the day went by forcing me to constantly pull them and adjust them all day. So what did I do? I got on the Google machine and searched for something similar to the GF knickers. All the ones for men are all kinds of weird colors with lace... etc... not for me. Then they have the little ball holders, like two eggs in a handkerchief ("Meat and two Veg" in England), a wee bit too little fabric there. So I ordered some online for myself when I found some that still maintained a bit of a "manly" look, as opposed to what a stripper might wear briefly before having them torn off by horny women!! The main factor is softness and retaining their shape (unlike men's underwear). The waistband can be wide and soft or thin but still soft to prevent it digging into the little bit of fat that I have there. The waistband comes just to the bottom of my sticky pad (one-piece or two-piece bag system). I tape the bottom of the bag and slide it just under the waistband so the bag is not hanging down rubbing against my leg. Also, if I forget the tape and the Velcro opens, then the bag is safely tucked into the slightly tight waistband and will not immediately flow down my leg, I would get a warning first. I have some scars around the little hole where my poop used to emerge. I've had several surgeries in the area and for this reason, my butt is very sensitive and subject to painful irritation if aggravated by seams on underwear. The girlie knickers have no seams in the key areas where I have my small but annoying scars. This arrangement has been working for quite a while for me now and my butt/arse thanks me for girlie knickers every day. I tend to get them in blue, black, or red. If I have to go to the hospital, I don't want the nurse to be cutting tight pink panties off me! I would be mortified, although I really don't think anyone would notice, not in San Francisco anyway!!! LOL!

Recently, I have changed my tune again with my choice of drawers. I got some yoga pants for my lovely Kitty and of course, I didn't check the size (online sizing is a minefield). What I got for Kitty were so tight they weren't even close!!! As I said to Kitty, at least I erred in the right direction. I got small rather than huge!! So I ordered the correct size for the lovely Miss K. I kept the other smaller ones. I had thought I would cut the legs off and use the top part as a tight but flexible and soft band to hold my bag securely to my belly while having sex or just cuddling and fooling around. I did that with one pair and it worked really well. The fabric is soft enough to expand as the bag inflates and will not create a "pancake" effect.

One cold night, I was watching TV with my new little family, Kitty and the two kids. My legs were cold, so I went and put on the extra pair of tight leggings that were just sitting in a drawer. I tried them without my tight girlie drawers just out of curiosity, hey... why not. The leggings do not have a seam down the middle in front. I thought women would demand no seam down there, which when present gives the image commonly known as cameltoe!! With no seam in the middle, there is no cameltoe for commando women and for the man, it doesn't squash the meat and two veg into the left or the right hemisphere, my smoothly shaved little balls are held nice and snug with the beast calmly lying between them, very comfy indeed.

The nights get cold here in Marin with all the mountain fog that drifts from the very cold Pacific up and over the coastal hills. Here I am with my shorts on and my legs and my shaved balls were getting rather chilly, so I remembered the leggings. I head to the bathroom and off with the shorts and knickers and on with the tight warm leggings, without the seam up the middle!! These are very flimsy, not thick at all and not the ones with the fleece layer inside. I didn't think they would be very warm. Well, I was wrong, these things are so damn warm I had to turn the heat down!!!

The ones I got have a seam only in the inside leg, no seam around my butt or between my legs, and importantly, no waistband at all. I just can't believe how comfy these leggings are. I wear them as underwear often with no tight little manly knickers at all, just the leggings... they are fantastic. The most attractive feature of these leggings is the very high waist. The part I was going to cut off comes right up and over the bag. It keeps the bag close and does not squeeze the bag at all when it starts to fill. The fabric will move and expand as the bag fills. It is very easy to see when I have to empty, I can feel the little pressure against my skin under the bag. I now have no unsightly bulge under my clothes. If there is a leak, it gets trapped under the fabric just long enough to get to a bathroom.

This is a very sensitive issue for me, leaks. I once had a full bag open at the bottom (a plastic clip broke) while in line at security in San Francisco airport. I had a change of clothes in my backpack and my sister was there. I had to drop my bags and run to the bathroom. I only had time to take off ALL my clothes, down to my socks and old-timey Hanes drawers (terrible things) and dump them in the garbage can. I was so happy to have been paranoid enough to foresee some disaster like that and had a complete change.

Anyway, I vote for lightweight leggings as seamless as possible to eliminate the waistband problem. I have to admit they feel so nice on my skin also, especially after I shave the lads down below.

I used to have some great laughs with my Kitty about my varied choices in underwear, made her giggle every time I came up with something different.

I miss her beautiful soul so much I don't know what to do with myself. I know it will get better.

Love and hugs to all, stay safe and wear your mask even if you got the vaccine.

Feb 15, 2021 4:28 pm

Wow - I just about cannot believe it has almost been four years since my surgery. So, to answer the topic on everyone's mind - yes, I am still with the Hanes underwear. I just keep my pouch outside, and things work wonderfully.

I hope this quick note finds everyone well. :)