Kidney infection


Hi, I have had bladder problems since birth, I have had so many operations to try and fix the problem. I had my bladder removed November last year. Since having my bladder removed I have had two kidney infections and having sepsis. Both times had to be admitted to southmead hospital and have to stay in for 1- 2 weeks. Does any one have the same problems and know what I can do to try and prevent them happening. I at my wits end please could some one be able to help me try and sort these infections happening. Thank you all

gracie in texas

I had my bladder removed in 2010. I have experienced infections. I try to not let my bag get too full by emptying often. I try to limit stress, and not get overtired and allowing the immune system to be overcome. I always use an overnight bag when lying down. If I feel an infection coming on, a slight fever, back pain, dizzy, I immediately begin an antibiotic and contact my dr. With no bladder these infections will not resolve by themselves. I hope this helps. Good luck to you.

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Thank you for your kind message, that has helped me a great deal. I am still trying to get to grips with my stoma, I had my bladder removed in November last year.

Since I have had my bladder out I have had ;pneumonia , then a kidney infection that led to sepsis, and now I am back in with sepsis again.

You have helped me a lot with what you have told me.

Thank you so much you are a diamond
