Has Anyone Ordered the Ostomy Journal from Amazon?

Mar 19, 2020 12:16 am

I'm thinking of ordering this book from Amazon.com and just want to find out if anyone else has ordered it yet or if it is good or not?  $6.99 US is not a bad price but still unsure.

Ostomy Journal: Colon Cancer Survivor Ostomy Bag Output Log | 7" X 10" 130 Pages: Incl. 2020, 2021 Calendar, Expense List, Journal Note Pages


Past Member
Mar 19, 2020 1:48 am

 Hi sweetemma,

No I haven't but I read some of your previous posts, did you get a reversal and are things better I hope now?

Sorry to get of subject...mountain 

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Mar 19, 2020 3:03 am

Sorry sweet.........I never read it.  I ran the ISBN but there's no reviews.  Looks like it was just published this year.  If you're an Amazon Prime member (and who isn't?) you can always send it back if it sucks.  I'd say go for it!



Mar 19, 2020 4:25 am

Yes, I did have a reversal, it was successful, had it done in October 2019 and have not had a problem since.  Thanks for asking.  This book is for a friend of mine who just had surgery.

Mar 19, 2020 4:28 am

That's true, but I'm in Canada and a bit steep converting it to CDN funds, perhaps I'll wait.  Thanks for replying.


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