Pouch Clips Wandering - Tips for Short People?

Past Member
Sep 01, 2020 11:54 pm

Anyone else have clips always ending up between your legs?

Always adjusting things, looking like a perv, when I want to sit down...

Are my pouches too long? Am I too short?

Do they make pouches for short people?

How do you keep clips from wandering?

Sep 02, 2020 2:00 am

I used a drainable pouch for a few years and it seemed the bottom closure did that too. It was painful! I changed to a non-drainable and there is no closure or clamps! It is heaven!

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  38,659 members
Sep 02, 2020 3:41 am

Hi Sherr,

Sorry, can't relate. Your stoma must be lower than mine, as I've never had that problem... but it sounds like a terrible problem to have. The simple solution would be to wear your bag sideways instead of vertically. Take a look at Stealth Belts or similar, as they come in both horizontal and vertical varieties.



Past Member
Sep 02, 2020 2:35 pm

I used to hate those plastic closure clips used to dig in my 'you know what down there' every time I was bending down and out walking. Lucky I was never arrested for having my hand down my pants moving clip out the way lol..... It was a great relief when I started using pouches with velcro closures about 20 years ago. Instantly solved my problems.

Morning glory
Sep 02, 2020 6:42 pm

Hi, I am not quite 5'2. I fold my pouch upwards. My panty holds it secure.


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Sep 02, 2020 7:50 pm

Hi, as Morning Glory says, I use the Velcro fastening bags and once closed I fold it up once again and my pants hold it secure. I'm only 4ft 11in and it works for me!

Sep 03, 2020 6:38 pm

I have that problem and I'm tall! I just put the pouch on a little sideways....just tilt it towards the middle of my thigh...keeps it from going where it shouldn't be!

Ali Canada
Sep 04, 2020 4:24 pm

I used to have that problem and then switched to a pouch that has no clips but uses Velcro. There are two tapes of it to close and I have never had a problem with them becoming unstuck. Furthermore, you can tuck the tail in. Works great!!