My Journey Through Ostomy Reversal and Recovery

Feb 26, 2010 5:46 am
Hi guys, I know I've been gone for a while but with good reason!!

Most of you know my story, of how I got to be an ostomate, read my profile thingy, so I won't bore you with the rest.

Here's my story of what I just went through and my reversal.

Since my original surgery (hysterectomy) in October when Dr. Malpractice cut my colon, I have had a drainage of pus from my vagina and some horrible pelvic pain.

I went in and had a barium enema, it showed no fistula but I was still sick. So they re-did the test and as soon as the barium went in, it immediately and violently flushed out my vagina.

That made me even sicker so the next morning, I was admitted into the hospital to treat the infection before they could repair the fistula and do the reversal.

I was given high dose antibiotics through IV and Dilaudid for pain over the next week.

Then on the 15th of Feb, they decided to take me in.

They were able to do the reversal but just barely. The original fiasco surgery in October, when the doc cut my colon and I laid there for 77 hrs dying, when they removed part of the colon and gave me the ostomy, they did not remove the part of colon that had the cut in it. The piece of colon was still loaded with infection and it laid over the vaginal cuff, which was improperly sewn, so that E. Coli infection has set in my gut all this time. It was so bad, that my one remaining ovary had to be removed, so now I am in menopause at 40.

If I do get put on hormones, I have to be on Lovenox injections for the rest of my life due to my Factor V Leiden deficiency.

While I am so thrilled and feel so blessed to have had my reversal, I am temporarily devastated from all this.

I love and have missed my awesome friends so much and I wasn't avoiding y'all, just trying to "heal and deal". lol

As far as the reversal, it couldn't have gone any better. I had top surgeons in the US, one vascular surgeon and one GYN/Oncologist who is a genius.

My belly hurts from the incisions but my BM's are awesome, I have had NO incontinence, no accidents and only really go about once a day now. I eat whatever, just healthy, salads, fruits, etc.

I will ALWAYS be an osty, if y'all will have me.

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I love y'all....Hannah
Feb 26, 2010 9:37 am
Hannah, so happy to see you finally had some good news with the reversal.  We were all worried about you and are glad to see you back.  I am so sorry for all that you have gone through....let's hope the lawyers have a great time with your doc (who, by the sounds of it, went to the same doctoring school mine went to).

Keep your chin up and I hope you are feeling a lot better real soon.

Lorraine xoxox
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  38,710 members
Feb 26, 2010 10:37 am
Hey up Txgirl,

glad to hear you are on the mend and all went well, cheers iain xx
Feb 26, 2010 2:14 pm
Hi Hannah!  It is so good to hear from you!  I should be rushing out the door right now trying to get my boys to school on time BUT I just had to stop and say it is wonderful to hear this news!  I pray you heal quickly and completely and can go forward now with your life!  You have been through such an ordeal but I am glad you decided to share the experience with us.  Thank you always for the sunshine, laughter and care that you have brought into so many lives here.  We love you!  Better run, but my best to you always Ostomate!  XOXO Debi
Feb 26, 2010 2:38 pm
Welcome back Hannah , so pleased it went well for you. Now just you take care & look after yourself .

Best wishes & a Big Hug !!!!! From across the Pond

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Past Member
Feb 26, 2010 4:29 pm

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  Welcome back dearest Hannah!  

Most excellent news to hear you are recovering well.  You have been missed.  After all the crap you have been though so good to hear you are on the mend.

Now is the time for you to kick back and take it easy...

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Best wishes and big hugs

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from Jo xox

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Feb 26, 2010 4:50 pm

It's really good to hear from you, Hannah, and that things went well. You have been sorely missed by us all. Keep on mending, take your time; all your torture has had an effect on you, so stay healthy, Ed. xoxoxoxo

Feb 26, 2010 6:37 pm

HANNAH BANANA!!  Good to have you back!!  I am so happy your reversal went so well for you!!!  It is terrible of all the junk you have had to endure and all the other problems you've had/have to deal with  

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   "if y'all will have me"   of course silly girl, you're our friend and we love yah!

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  Continue to heal....don't over-do anything...get lotza rest girl and hang with us when you can

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Feb 26, 2010 6:50 pm
awwww thanks y'all. The sweetest peeps in the whole wide world reside here!!

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I thought about y'all so much while I was in the hospital. You are all so awesome and I am so happy to have you!

xoxoxo hannah banana

P.S. It is soooo weird to use ur hiney again!!!! what a trip!! lmao

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Feb 26, 2010 10:17 pm
Wonderful to hear of a good ending to a tradjic(sp) beginning.

I would hope all who read your post will fully appreciate and understand the importance of getting the best surgen on the first go a round.  Hopefully to avoid  the needless mistake that happened both to you, I and I am sure many others.

Yes, it is very true once and ostomate always an ostomate.  There is something about it that impacts our lives in such a manner, we actually change a little.  I think it makes us better, more understanding.

Good luck, keep the good news coming.

Feb 26, 2010 11:03 pm
I agree with Rick (junopete) .... "once an ostomate always an ostomate" and how it changes us.  I believe that's true.  Having had your experience as an ostomate gives you the power of knowledge and understanding of others in the situation, and you will never forget it ...and you are aware of many details of what is like to live with an ostomy, many things one cannot always teach others or put into words, but having that experience with us makes you even extra special among the non-ostys lol  HEY!  You're a NON-OSTY!!   lmao that sounds non-osty you.... hehee

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   I'm very happy for you dear

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Feb 26, 2010 11:42 pm

Wow.........I am in tears just knowing that your are on your way back to your life and health and am just so happy for you Hannah...........I feel I  have not lost an Osto friend,  but gained a friend with a unique understanding and knowledge of the journey we are all on...........The words of Juno and Doe are so true and accurate it also continues to make my tears flow..........
Stay well Hananah and stay in touch.........

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  Love Michael
Feb 27, 2010 1:29 am
Hannah,  I am so sorry that you had to live that way for quite a while, and I am so happy that you are on the mend  

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  heal soon   Art
Feb 27, 2010 4:09 pm

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BRAVO GIRLFRIEND, we won't let you leave us!!


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Feb 27, 2010 10:21 pm
Dear Hannah, It's so good to hear that you're finally getting the proper medical help. I'm so sorry that you've had to endure so much. I too have had some really bad surgeons and unfortunately I can't have a reversal as too much damage was done. I'm so happy that you can now heal and get on with your life. I wish you all the best and keep writing, it makes us all feel so much better. Good luck Sue
Feb 28, 2010 12:49 am
Hi Hannha, I,m so tored right now i can't think of words to say but just lettin you know it's so good your surgery went well and that your healing all be it slowly. You will always be a part of this Ostomy family, never forget that. With love and many hugs,

Mar 01, 2010 8:11 pm

I am so happy for you, and I'm confident that the worst of these times are now over (gone but not forgotten I'm sure.)

Mar 01, 2010 9:07 pm
Hi Hannah, its so great to hear one of "ours" has Conquered, Yea, yea, way to go girl, and no we wont let you go, you have too many friends here, love and hugs, Ed.

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Past Member
Mar 02, 2010 12:54 pm
Hello , just thought I would wish you all the best wishes for your recovery its so nice to hear that your healing and getting use to your reversal. It seems you have been through so much I just wish you well.

I had a Hysterectomy July 08 long story short had septicimia, septic shock, all my major organs where closing down was given 24 hours for it to go either way had a colostomy,  and a hernia ,lost all my hair through stress and trauma, also had a Traciotomy, and many other complications spent 9 weeks in ICU and 3 weeks on a general ward. In Oct 09 I had my reversal it went very well obvious pain and discomfort but overall everything is working fine. However just this last week or so my muscles around where the colostomy and hernia was is very tender all this time later the only thing I can think of its my muscles trying to work again.

Anyway have a good day Julie x
Mar 08, 2010 6:31 pm
hi guys, thought I would give a little update on my reversal surgery. Today is the 8th of march and I had mine done on the 15th of feb.

I still have a lot of abdominal pain from healing with all the incisions, drainage tube scars, etc. every day it gets a little better. Obviously exhausted whenever I do anything but that gets better everyday as well.

I eat anything I want, I have had my tastes change or maybe I am paying more attention to what my body craves but I have been eating a lot of salad, fresh fruit and drinking lots of water. I go through periods of constipation and since so much of my colon and rectum were removed, I can only deduce that I FEEL the need to go even when maybe my colon isn't ready to let it go. lol

Emotionally, I am doing better, those of you who know what I went through to end up here know what I am talking about. Those of you who don't , feel free to look at my profile.

I take Zoloft, 50mg a day and think that has helped, I also see a therepist to deal with the trauma.

My boyfriend, Dale, has been my rock. He is an unmoveable, unflappable, solid source of strength. He has never faltered or made me feel unloved, unattractive or like I have been a burden. He is patient, kind and if it wasn't for his messy habits, he would be perfect. lol  Seriously, he has been great and has stood behind me, yiu can't complain when you have someone like him.

I will go back to work at the 1st of april and i am looking forward to it.

I hope this finds you all well and happy.