Looking for Colored Ostomy Bags - Any Suppliers or Third-Party Companies?

Feb 04, 2021 3:40 pm

Hi gang,

This is pure laziness on my part, but I'm just wondering if anyone makes ostomy bags in colors? Yeah, I could use a bag cover or something, but with the frequency I empty my bag, anything additional that I have to unzip, roll up, or even hold up... is a pain in my beautifully curved buttocks. So I was wondering if any of the suppliers (or third-party companies) make colored ostomy bags (for two-piece systems obviously, or even one-piece)... maybe black or other solid colors. Personally, whenever I see someone wearing something skin-colored, I immediately think he/she's sick as my mind tells me medical products are skin-colored and regular stuff is not. So I think it would be pretty cool to have a black or kelly green colored bag, so it's not so obvious, despite the location, what it actually is. It would be super easy to add a Nike swoosh or Adidas logo, and no one would be the wiser. With summer around the corner, I'm thinking ahead to hot days and shirts off. If I get time later, I'll do some searching, but if anyone knows of what I'm talking about, and it's out there... please let us know.



Feb 04, 2021 4:06 pm

Love the idea, Bob.

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Feb 04, 2021 4:49 pm

I have ordered from Etsy. They are costly. I have found a lady on Facebook. I am Canadian, but she is in the States. She is the best. Great pricing. Her name is Wanda Thurston Drews. She made me 8 solid colored ones. Her Facebook page is Sha_Rey Customized Covers.

Feb 04, 2021 5:30 pm

Hi D,

Yeah, but you're talking about a bag cover. I want the bag itself to be colored so I don't need a cover. I've sewn up a million covers and it just ends up being something I have to keep unzipping to empty my bag, and then make sure the bottom of the cover is pulled up so output doesn't get on it...etc, etc. And when I'm active outside, I want to just forget about the bag and git'r done. I wouldn't think tinting their bags in a variety of colors would be that big a deal for the Hollisters, Convatecs, and Coloplasts of the ostomy world.........but maybe I'm oversimplifying, as usual. Actually, I just gave myself an idea........maybe I can dye my bags black or denim blue......hmmmm.



Feb 04, 2021 6:44 pm

Hi, all.

Just some thoughts to share: In a conversation with my wound care nurse, the topic of "skin-toned" appliances came up.

Remember the Crayola crayons, and the one called "Flesh", and that it certainly didn't match every skin tone on this planet?

In our talk, my ostomy nurse was saying that a study had been done to determine what color(s) of appliance would be least visible under most every type of clothing and fabric against every skin tone. It turned out to be gray.

So, if visibility through clothing is the concern, gray's the way to go, apparently. (I haven't checked to see if any ostomy appliance manufacturers are making them in gray.)

As for other colors of appliance created to complement or "accessorize" an outfit...? I can imagine manufacturers doing that, then increasing the prices for "new" colors, custom designs, etc. I can also see the marketing departments of these companies waiting impatiently for Pantone's Color(s) of The Year! LOL (2021's colors are, by the way, a sunny yellow... AND a medium gray!! LOL)


P.S. - Has anyone checked out the price difference in office supply websites for a basic black Swingline desktop stapler vs. a red one, as seen in the movie "Office Space"? I have, and it's amazing how much money people are willing to pay for something that... iconic.


Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Feb 04, 2021 7:14 pm

I have seen skin tone, clear, and black. I do not know the brand. Black might be Salts. On the other hand, get out your favorite roll of duct tape and you can have any color you want.

Feb 04, 2021 7:42 pm

...while plugging up unwanted vents at the same time!   LOL


Feb 04, 2021 7:48 pm

Hi, Bob.

A broad-tip black or blue Sharpie marker might make quick work of "dying" your bags. You may even find you have a talent for creating graffiti.


Past Member
Feb 04, 2021 8:06 pm

The only one I know of that makes them in black are Salts Confidence BE. You can get them in standard flat back and convex. I'm lucky enough to know the company and the designer of them, so I was trialing them before they were available to be purchased. They are a really good bag. The adhesive is really strong, and I've never had a problem with them coming unstuck. The black covers are water repellent, so there are no problems with drying after a shower. Out of the colors they make, black has always been the most popular.

There has been talk from other companies' product designers and developers I've met about making them in other colors and how easy it is to do, but as far as I'm aware, none of them do.

Feb 04, 2021 11:22 pm

Bob ...

I always draw designs on my flesh-toned bags with colored Sharpies and even glow-in-the-dark ones. It works great and opens up a new world of happiness for me. A great thing to do at night during my lonely hours as I can't stand the television. I do 10 at a time and even for holidays. You'll love it! And eventually, a partner (when applicable) will enjoy a good ice-breaking laugh!

Feb 05, 2021 1:17 am


Now why doesn't it surprise me that you'd make art out of a shitbag?  You go girlfriend!  I guess I could put the Remington logo on my bag and people would think I'm carrying ammo in there.........and the more the better.  Or maybe the Gatorade logo and folks would think it's for hydration.  I can honestly say, that when lonely (which isn't often thanks to my pooch) I've never even come close to considering drawing art on my bag.  That's truly a direction I never would have thought to go.  Amazing, you are!



Feb 05, 2021 1:20 am


We need to get you over to Ritz's place for happy hour one evening!   I'm sure the two of you could come up with some incredible stuff!   Maybe if you guys made some samples and sent them over to Hollister and company........you might inspire a whole new product line.   Cha-Ching!!



Feb 05, 2021 1:22 am

X, my most practical friend... I love it. I've often looked at all the rolls of colored duct tape at the store and asked myself... what the hell do people do with all those colored duct tapes? I believe I have found my answer!! You rock, brother!!



Feb 05, 2021 1:24 am

Hi Panther.........never heard of Salts.......thanks to you and X for mentioning them.......will check them out.



Feb 05, 2021 3:37 am

Bob, you can always buy some permanent markers and have any color you want.

Feb 05, 2021 4:15 am

Hi Lovely,

Yeah, sure could..........but I was hoping for something a little more professional. Markers streak and don't cover uniformly.   I think it would look a bit....um....childish.   But maybe I'll give it a try on my bag tomorrow after my barrier change.    



Feb 05, 2021 4:22 am

Well, hell now Bob... now I'll have to send you a picture of some of mine for inspiration. And no, they won't look childish. I do a lot of fabric painting on all sorts of fabrics as a quilter and a bag is simply another type of textile, a blank canvas if you prefer a more natural word... like a tent... a backpack full of shit!
C'mon... everyone can strut their stuff, why not us?


Feb 05, 2021 4:55 am

Yo Puttin' On The Ritz,

I hear ya............send some pics.   I was envisioning trying to color a bag with a Sharpie.   That won't look very uniform.   I'll color one tomorrow and you send a pic of yours and we'll compare.   And hell yeah........strut your stuff girl.........do the Peacock!!!



Feb 05, 2021 2:06 pm

My convex bags are grey, but I think it would be nice if they were any color you fancy, making things more cheerful. I know some will say it does not matter a damn what color the bag is, but I can't see why it should be any harder to get different color bags to add a bit of brightness to our miserable lives. It is possible, I believe, to buy covers in all colors. Maybe that is the answer. I look for nice underwear to cover the bag and a massive scar replacing my navel, but it's hard to find.

Feb 05, 2021 3:09 pm

Sass... C ampH Pouchcovers.com has many or you can make them easily... Ritz

Feb 05, 2021 4:38 pm

Yep, only place I have ever seen another color other than flesh or clear is Coloplast. Theirs are gray and made of a superior material to Convetec. I just hate the click closure system they have so I stick to the flesh but mine have peek-a-boo opening to see the stoma.
Good luck!

Feb 06, 2021 8:04 am

Well, Bob, as said above, to my knowledge only 2 companies have pouches that are not beige/clear/white. Salts Healthcare (UK only, I believe...wait, they just became available in Canada!) makes a black pouch that I have wanted to try for YEARS. Coloplast makes their iconic dove gray pouches.

Feb 06, 2021 9:17 pm

I don't know why I'd cover with anything. I wear underwear that both covers it and supports it. For swimming, I wear a high-waisted bikini under shorts.

Feb 06, 2021 10:23 pm

Hi Banshie,

For your situation, I don't see you needing what we're talking about. In my case, my stoma is above my waistline and big/tall t-shirts and such barely cover my bag, and if I reach or twist, the bottom of my bag is exposed. Regular length t-shirts leave the bottom of the bag exposed all the time. People see the flesh-colored bag and it immediately triggers a "he's sick or has something wrong" mental response that I'm trying to avoid. If the bag were black and I put a logo on it, people might not know what it is for but won't think it's a medical product. Perception is reality. If you look at the guys wearing the black Stealthbelts on their site, you can imagine one running by you in the summer and your brain would register "fannypack", unless you looked long and hard at it. If it were flesh-colored, you'd immediately fixate on it and think it's medical. A little deception never hurt anyone. Well, maybe it has... but I don't think it would in this case!



Feb 06, 2021 10:37 pm

I wish there were more options of color too. I know you don't want a pouch cover - there is a product called a Happy Sack that adheres to the pouch not interfering with the closure. https://myhappysacks.com

Feb 06, 2021 11:40 pm

Thanks for sharing the Happy Sacks GACWOCN! I could see using them only occasionally at $5.99 a pop, but certainly an option for special occasions.

Bob, look you can design your own, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the smiley face would be right up your alley!! Haha

Feb 07, 2021 12:30 am

Hi Shannon,

Yeah..........no.   I checked out that website and there are some vibrant choices.   But I'm looking more for something that hides in plain sight, if you know what I mean.   Without a belt those vibrant covers instantly pull your attention to them.....and the next thing our brain says is...how is it staying on...meaning where's the belt for the fanny pack?   And then your noggin goes AH-HA.....it's a poop bag!   Not the reaction I'm looking for.   But a pretty cool product nonetheless.   The other way to approach this............is to have Nike make fanny packs in the shape of an ostomy bag!!!    

And I have designed my own and sewn up way too many.   But I've found a cover for my situation just isn't practical.   The cover I made out of denim from my old Levis was incredibly hard to detect when worn with another pair of Levis...even if you were standing right next to me.   Round and round we go.......



Feb 07, 2021 1:20 am

I guess I never had to worry about anyone seeing my bag because it sits lower on my waist.   Fortunately...or maybe unfortunately, I haven't had to worry about any awkward intimate moments either.

Maybe you can strike a deal with Hollister!!   I mean how many ostomates could benefit from that.   It's time for a poll.   I bet the ostomates in the FB Ostomy Athletes group would be game.   Get er done Bob!

Feb 07, 2021 1:39 am

Ummm..........I didn't even know there was a FB Ostomy Athletes Group.........maybe somebody with a broader perspective should take this one on.   Just sayin'.



Feb 07, 2021 2:53 am

Convatec makes urinary pouches in skin/tan and I think white. I'm not sure about other types of bags besides urinary. Marlen used to make tan and green but I haven't looked at theirs lately.