Ileostomy and the Urge to Purge

Sep 14, 2021 3:15 pm

Quick question.
I have an ileostomy - 1 year old...never went back for reversal. On several occasions, I have the ole' urge to purge but of course, nothing happens. On occasion, an ever so tiny fart will pop out as well. It seems my colon wants its job back. Today it was very insistent so I tried a brief was very painful (still have a hemorrhoid that is as ancient as me) and provided no results. My original diagnosis was diverticulosis and removal of 12" of colon, tennis ball-sized infected diverticulitis, right ovary, and appendix. My question is, does anyone else have this urge to purge with an ileostomy?

Past Member
Sep 14, 2021 3:32 pm

Yes, I have an ileostomy and still have the urge to purge occasionally even after over 30 years. Lately, it's playing up more. That's more down to as I still have my anus, and it has an infection.

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Sep 14, 2021 4:00 pm
Reply to Anonymous

OMG 30 years! Thanks for your have eased my concern....I shall not spend the rest of my day worrying about this. And one thing for sure, I know I won't be worrying about it 30 years from now either...."I'm at that age where my mind still thinks I am 29, my humor suggests I am 12 while my body mostly keeps asking if I'm sure I'm not dead yet"...b

Sep 14, 2021 8:50 pm

Hi Justbreathe, what you are describing is actually quite common and I'm a little surprised you haven't experienced it until now. The way my ostomy nurse explained it was that your colon "didn't get the memo" that its services were no longer required. What it does is continue to produce the same lubricant that it always did to move the stool along. It's a kind of mucus. Sometimes when I'm peeing, a little of the mucus will come out. It's easy enough not to even notice it. Not to worry!


Past Member
Sep 14, 2021 11:21 pm

"I'm at that age where my mind still thinks I am 29, my humor suggests I am 12 while my body mostly keeps asking if I'm sure I'm not dead yet." That quote is me to a tee!

No urge to purge here as I have had the whole shebang taken out, but years ago I used to occasionally get a "phantom sensation" like I needed to "go" the regular way, kind of like a missing limb I guess.


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Sep 18, 2021 11:13 am
Reply to TerryLT

Terry... Thanks for the info... Since my surgery, a year ago, I have only seen a surgeon one time and that was to discuss reversal. I have decided not to do the reversal. I do not know of an ostomy nurse although I am sure if I called the surgeon's office they would suggest one. I have already gathered a lot from this website. I struggle with a distrust of docs and meds and I feel so fortunate, that at this point, I am pain-free and seem to be functioning normally. I certainly will seek medical help if there is a need but right now I am happy to just stay home and as my old grandpa from England would say "keep your nose clean kid"... thanks again for your input... b