Frozen supplies - Are they still safe to use?

Past Member

Good morning.

My supplies arrived and they were frozen. The two bottles of liquids were solid (Na'Scent Ostomy Odor Eliminator and Coloplast Brava Lubricating Deodorant). I did take the lids off and put them in containers to thaw. I didn't handle the wafers and bags until they reached room temperature. I assume everything is okay to use? Has anyone had this happen to them? Thanks.


You should be fine. I've had supplies frozen and they were okay.

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Past Member
Reply to rogerbland1953



Hi Sally, I don't know what kind of prices you are paying for your supplies, but you might want to check out Wellwise (a division of Shopper's Drug Mart) if you have one in your area. They have great prices on ostomy supplies and you can use and collect PC points from Superstore to make it even cheaper. Good luck with your thawed supplies!


Past Member
Reply to TerryLT

Thanks, Terry! I was buying from Wellwise, but then found cheaper prices at CanMedDirect. It's just the time of year for shipping things, I guess.

Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister
Reply to Anonymous

Hi Sally, I just checked out CanMedDirect, and you are right, great prices! Thanks for this. I think I'll switch. I don't really like having things delivered (porch pirates) but if I order enough at a time, I won't have to do it too often. Have you had a good experience with them, other than the frozen shipment?


Past Member
Reply to TerryLT

So far, no problems at all.