Recessed colostomy and diet concerns - seeking tips and advice

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Jul 14, 2022 9:38 am

Hi, I had my transverse colostomy surgery 3 weeks ago following complications and sepsis from an initial bowel resection for a cancer diagnosis. I've noticed that my stoma is retracted as the skin around it has dipped instead of remaining curved like the other side of my abdomen. I find it more difficult to position my bag correctly because of this (I use a Salts convex) and wondered if anyone had tips. I also wondered about the low-fiber bland diet. I am a vegan used to a high-fiber diet, full of pulses and greens, and I'm worried about lack of nutrients on the low-fiber diet. I'll be having chemo once I've recovered from the 2 surgeries and want to be as strong as possible.

Jul 14, 2022 9:59 am

Hi Kazz

Do you use a seal between the bag and your skin? Coincidentally, I use salt seals and they work well. You are only a few weeks in at this stage, so slowly introduce the food you like little by little, don't overdo it, and you should be fine. I'm a vegetarian and eat lots of greens and anything else. It's only too much lettuce that goes through me like a rocket.


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Jul 14, 2022 10:16 am
Reply to Axl

Thanks for the reply. I'm not using a seal at the moment and I'm not having any issues with leaking. I found the seal difficult to manipulate and my stomach nurse suggested I go without. My stoma is changing size weekly so I'm still dealing with resizing the openings regularly.

Hopefully I'll be able to eat more normally soon.



Jul 14, 2022 12:40 pm


Hi there. Is your stoma flat and retracted? Does it sit below the skin surface?

Jul 14, 2022 1:53 pm
Reply to Beth22

Hi there,

I does stick out a bit, it's just that the area around it dips in so I have to stretch the skin flat to attach my bag and it is very fiddly to do for a newbie. My stomach is shrinking daily it seems as well so I've no idea what it will be like in another 3 weeks!


Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jul 15, 2022 11:30 am
Reply to Kazzikat

I am glad it sticks out and isn't retracted. I am sorry though you're having issues so soon. I am not sure if you have seen it or tried it, but there are Coloplast paste strips that you can use. It helps create a flat surface. It's not gooey like the other pastes and there is no drying or settling time. It already is and you can mold it how you need it, rolling it, flattening it, etc. Just trying to help or give ideas.

Jul 15, 2022 2:49 pm
Reply to Beth22

Thanks so much. My stoma nurse gave me some Hollister convex rings in case the skin dips further. I'm learning every day!

Jul 18, 2022 1:12 pm
Reply to Kazzikat

Hi. I have an ileostomy and my stoma retracts at times too. I agree that a seal would be helpful and I use an Eakin Seal that I mold around the stoma. I also use a belt with my pouch and tighten it a little to help push out the stoma. I would also recommend seeing a stoma nurse that can look at your stoma and give you proper advice.

Best of luck.
